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"I'll be fine" I said to Edward after he warned me for the 5th time in the past 20 minutes. I am getting ready to go out for drinks with Toff and Lee, Toff received her offer letter from the company she applied for in Hawaii.

"Not more than 3 drinks Anna" I paused applying my lipstick and looked at my phone, his eyes locked on me watching me as I do my makeup "I can handle more drink"

"Yes, sure. Just that you will be puking all over the place and have a bad headache afterward" he said mockingly reminding me of the time we had drinks back in Hawaii

Ignoring him I continued applying my lipstick, I checked myself in the mirror once again being satisfied I stood up from my vanity picked my phone up, and ended the facetime without bothering to say goodbye. He is going to be pissed I know, but I don't care.

I walked out of my room in time to see a message from Toff, she was outside the house. I greeted my parents before walking out of the room, I opened Toff's car and sat inside.

"Someone's in a bad mood" Toff said watching me in the mirror, I ignored her comment. My phone buzzed again but I ignored it again.

"Why so grumpy? huh" Lee asked as she started the car.

"Apparently, I cannot handle more than three drinks" I said angrily.

"I guess you can join me then?" Toff looked back at me with a smirk, join you in what I thought

"She is hurt that she was told to have fewer drinks and not get drunk, so she challenged him" Lee said chuckling


"So are you in?" Toff said

"Hell ya, what do you have in mind?" I asked, knowing very well she would have planned something

"You'll see"

We are at the bar having shoots after shot the count of which we have long forgotten, Lee tried to stop Toff and me from getting busted but we did not listen to her.

"Guys, please stop. You have had over 8 shots. You guys are busted. Slaiman and EJ are going to be mad they have been calling you all night" Lee warned us

"You tell him I don't want to talk to him" I said as I downed yet another shot

"Let's go dance babe" Toff pulled me off my chair, "Lee take a video of us" Toff pushed her phone in Lee's hand something she has been doing all night.

We swayed our hips on the music, Lee did as she was told after a minute Toff took away her phone. I closed my eyes and trough my hands in the hair then slowly slide them over my face down my body slowly taking my time. Suddenly someone pulled me and a masculine scent filled my nose, my back flush to his chest his hand over my hips.

"Hello sweetheart" he cooed near my ears, "Hello" I greeted back, we danced for a while before I felt his hand moving upwards, I put my hand over his stopping his advances, intoxicated or not you can't take advantage of me I thought to my self

I turned around his hands still on my body. Lifting my eyes to see him, once I made eye contact with him "Bye" I mouthed and got out of his grip.

I searched for Toff and Lee with blurry vision but could not find them. I took my phone out of my purse to call them but before I could call my phone rang and I picked up the call without checking the ID

"WHAT THE F***NG HELL ANNA" I grimaced and pulled the phone away from my ears at his loud voice. I closed my eyes shut and curled my fingers tighter on my phone

"Don't shout" I snapped back, I am mad at him and my head started hurting all of sudden

"Why were you not picking my calls" he roared, I winced again

"Stop yelling" my head hurts I thought to myself, but I won't tell him that

He took a deep breath "How many drinks did you have?" his voice softer this time, I did not answer him.

He huffed "When are you getting home"

"As soon as I find Lee" I said, bouncing my blurry eyes around the club to look for Lee and Toff. Once I spotted them I started to march towards them

"What do you mean?" "Nothing"

"Where are the girls Anna?" he inquired growing impatient

"I'm in the washroom peeing as we speak" I lied

"Oh, so there are men and women dancing while you pee?" I frowned

"You realize it's a damn facetime and not a voice call" I cursed and brought my phone in front of my face pouting

"Why did you not tell me earlier?" I wined, he chucked

"And why would I miss watching you pout" he smiled "It is so f**king difficult to stay mad at you" he said, I smirked

"Toff's passed out" Lee said as I approached them

"Oh, that's why Slaiman is the gym for the past hour" he said, Edward once told me whenever they are beyond angry they vent it in the gym

"I gotta go" I said, Lee struggled to get Toff up so I put my free hand around her shoulder as we walked out of the club

"Let me know when you are home" I nodded at him and said goodbye

We crashed at Lee's apartment, morning arrived very soon along with the nauses felling I ran into the bathroom

"And someone said they can handle being drunk " Lee mocked me as she held my hairs while I puke my guts out 

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