Need blood

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It's been two weeks since Anna went back to New York, we have been on video calls every now and then. Every time I remind her of the number of days remaining, she pouts with her juicy soft lips and that site itself leaves my Jr in distress for hours.

"Are you listening to me?" Max got me out of my thought

"Yes" I replied, Max huffed

"Did you hear from the boys?" Slaiman walked into the office, we are currently at the base; the past week has been hectic. Spider was back in action; we were able to stop a big shipment last week because of intel we received from Spider. The attack was a piece of cake because Spider got into every camera and electronic device of the warehouse, we took down every single one of them. Well, except Killen. He flee leaving his men to be slaughtered, however, due to Max's kindness, not all his men lost their life, whoever surrenders to us willingly came out alive and others had a bullet on their heads.

This is what Slaiman and I have arguments with Max for, he always wants to talk about second chances. Something about my parents adopting him was his second chance at his life

"Yes, all are safe and have been taken care of in our hospital. The medical team and a team of physiatrists is taking care of everyone 24/7" Max replied

"Are the kids taken care of? Did you find their parents? How many are they?" Slaiman inquired

"Yes, we managed to get in contact with forty-five of the parents. Twenty-four girls and thirty-nine boys in all. This shipment was supposed to be big not because of the number but because they were dealing with kids" Max replied as he checked his phone

"I am going to kill those fuc**** with my bare hands" he roared.

"Calm down brother"

"We need to end this for once, get Spider on call I need to know if there is anything on those Fuc****" Slaiman was seething in anger. "NOW, MAX" Max looked at me, I knew he is pissed, we all were pissed. Child trafficking was the bottom line for us. Slaiman is wanting blood. Blood of Killen and Jowar.

"Slaiman, we cannot make rash decisions. Spider knows what needs to be done, as said we should know their location by next week. And once we do, we will go on war, I promise"

Slaiman huffed and left the room, I am sure he is heading down to the gym. We both are similar with it comes to directing our anger. Whenever anger gets over us, we walk into the gym and stay there for hours until the storm in our minds settles down.

"I'll check on him later" Max said, I nodded in agreement

"Killen better count his days now, dragging children into this mess is a stupid move"

"But one thing I don't understand, why would they use kids now" Max was right, kids were off limit even in the Mafia. Once Kimora tried to deal with kids and he was buried 6 feet under the ground by his allies themselves. No one, NO ONE fu** with the kids

"Do you think we are missing something?" I questioned him

Before he could reply, his phone rang. He cursed at whatever he heard from the other end of the call

"The hospital is under attack" we were rushing out of the mansion as soon as the call ended

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