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"What are you going to do, lock me up?" Myra scoffed as she enters my study

"You very well know, I will" Slaiman roared trailing behind her

"It's not your decision to make. I am an adult and capable to decide for myself" Myra sat on the sofa to my left putting her feet on the coffee table staring at Slaiman, he occupied the chair across my table eyes locked at her

That caught my attention "What's this about" I bounced my eyes between my siblings. On one answered, figuring Slaiman's pissed enough to not question him more I turned towards my sister "Care to explain?"

"I want to join the mission" the stated, my eyes widening she wants to what again?

"And what makes you capable to join" I deadpanned, what is she thinking. This is not a game, we are dealing with the dangerous people out there

"What do you mean? I have been training since I returned. I cannot sit here thinking those F**kers tried to kill those kids at the hospital" she yelled, anger filled in her eyes
"Language" Slaiman reprimanded

"The keyword here is 'tried'. They did not even manage to get past the ground security. Your brothers are very well capable of taking care of everything going on right now" well aware that it is impossible to order Myra around I tried to explain her, my eyes flickered over Slaiman for a second thankful he let me do the talking

"But...I want to join you. I have been training with Max regularly" she argued

"Okay" Slaiman's headshot in my direction ready to argue with me, but ignored him still talking to our stubborn sibling "But considering this is your first one you will have to agree to whatever job I assign you, do we have a deal?" I asked her sternly, Slaiman must have caught on to my intentions because I could see him relaxing. Well aware I would never put our precious sister in harm's length

"Deal" Myra exclaimed after she pondered for a while on what I said.

"I always knew you are the best brother" she said smirking, eyeing Slaiman from the corner of her eye trying to get him riled up

"Never doubted" I winked joining her, Slaiman just rolled his eyes at us

"Where is Max, he was supposed to be here minutes ago" Slaiman questioned, as if on cue Max entered my study carrying multiple documents, papers, and a laptop in his hands he placed everything on the table taking a seat beside Slaiman

"Everything, I mean every little thing we need to know about Jowar and Killen, Spider's worked her magic" he grinned

"Her? I am glad you agree to me that Spider is a women" Myra smirked at Max, weeks ago they had an argument for the gender of a person they have never met. Max's mouth fell open and closed, then opened and closed making him look like a fish pulled out of the water

"Myra" I gave her a pointed look. Max gave me an assuring nod, myself Slaiman and Max may or may not have met 'The Spider' and for sure it was a shocker for us when we knew about the true identity

"Ya, sorry. I know it's business time, no other bull..."

"Jezz...Language Tamyra Black" Slaiman scolded her before she could finish, she rolled her eyes

We spent hours planning and discussing what were are best options for the attack, Spider managed to get us footage on inside their base, how? I have no idea but now with the additional advantage will now make sure to end this once and forever too many innocent lives have been put on line because of their last stunt with the kids

"Well,it is decided then. Friday it is" Slaiman confirmed with spark in his eyes allready to kill good for noting Jowar and Killen 

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