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Today I have an interview, I am among the ten people they shortlisted after the last round. I am really nervous, I have to crack this or else Edward is going to insist me to join Myra fashion, truthfully speaking I don't mind working for him but the aftermath of having a relationship with your boss does not fit right with me

"Are you listening to us?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Lee, she put her hands on my shoulder pulling me in for a hug

"You got this, we know you do" Toff whispered in my ears as she joined me and Lee hugging us putting her arms around both of us

"I am okay, just stressed a little" I tried to play it off cool

"Uh hu...we are not doing that now. I want you to be yourself and not worry about anything else but your interview. You are going to ace that interview and we there are going to pack our bags and move to Hawaii" Lee said with confidence her eyes locked with mine, I could not find even a speck of doubt in them about my abilities and that made me smile.

"Now there you go" Toff exclaimed

"I am truly grateful for you two in my life" I said pulling them for a group hug yet again. I doubt they would mind the hug though, they have been my strongest support in every step of my life never leaving my side whatever the situation it may be and I am grateful for that

"Okay, now you got to get ready. You have a few minutes before the call, we will be in the audi watching a movie, okay?" Lee informed as she stood up from my bed walking towards the door

"Sure. Have fun"

"All the best" Lee yelled before disappearing for my room

"We will. All the best" Toff gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and followed Lee out of the room

I opened the door of the audi room, I winced at the noise that fell on my ears immediately. The door is behind the recliner chairs thus they did not notice me, it seems like a horror movie. I grinned as a mischievous thought came into my mind, I walked with soft quiet steps towards the chairs and sat down behind Lee's chair. I could see she was holding Toff's hand in a death grip; I am sure it was Toff's idea to watch this movie. I remember a scene from the movie where the girl opens the door and a figure pops up out of nowhere in front of the girl upside down.

The exact moment that scene appeared on the screen I jumped on Lee from behind her seat hoping I would land on her lap, but because she was startled and she moved frantically screaming and pushing me on the edge of the recliner, thanks to my reflexes I managed to catch the armrest and keep myself from landing on the floor my head now dangling on the side, my feet's almost on Lee's face. Even in this situation, I was hardly able to keep myself from laughing. Tears ran down my eyes to the floor due to laughing this much, I managed to pull my head to look at Lee, her face was white eyes wide, her mind still trying to access the situation and that put me another fit of laughter. I could hear Toff laughing at the side.

"Well, that was unexpected" Toff said still laughing, I managed to sit up straight still in Lee's lap. I put my arms around her pulling her for a hug, her eyes were still wide I could feel her breathing rapidly, I regrated my actions immediately. Whispering string of apologies, I quickly got up and brought her some water. After a couple of minutes, she blinked her eyes very slowly once, twice, and then blinked them rapidly then stared at nothing in particular.

"Lee" I took hold of her hands and tried to make her look at me, I took hold of her chin and made her look at me but she does not budge her eyes still wide staring.

I looked towards Toff, she was trying to shake her holding her shoulder. Tears filled my eyes calling Lee's name and shaking her

I closed my eyes, tears trickle down my eyes regrating my actions all over again, and at that moment I heard her laughter

" god" my eyes shoot open to see her laughing holding her stomach

"Look at your guys face...o...o my....o...o my god"

Realization struck me and I leaped towards Lee holding her in a bone-crushing grip

"I have got kinder garden adults as friends" Toff scoffed, I winked at her knowing she did not mean it

"So I am guessing by your mood we will be on our flights to Hawaii next week" Toff stated not even bothering to ask me how the interview was

"Well, I did my best but they said that they will be emailing me the tomorrow their discission," I said, deep down I am hoping to have a positive reply so that I can be on my way to Hawaii to meet my love. I skipped a heartbeat the moment I realized I just called him my love

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