Jumping off the cliff

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"Wake Up sleepy head" Lee screamed on top of her lungs as she entered Toff's rooms, Lee is a morning person who loves sunrise so she had planned a hiking adventure for all three of them. She woke Ann before Toff, she found the leaflet about the hiking adventure while shopping yesterday.

It was quarter to six when Toff and Lee came downstairs to see Lee all excitedly ready waiting for them impatiently, she even had their bags ready with water bottles and snacks for them to go.

"Here we are, let's get to the top before the sun rises, shall we!" Lee exclaimed enthusiastically; they were on the foot of the trail after the 10 minutes ride from the hotel. Ann looked at Lee questionably as she dismissed the car after their drop-off.

"What fun is it to walk up just to watch a sunrise Lee, you could have seen that from our hotel room huge ass floor-to-ceiling window" Toff spat fire as she was sleep deprived because their drinking session did not end early last night and now, they are here trekking just with few hours of sleep.

"I am a fan of sunsets for a reason, no waking up early still enjoying the beauty of the sun" Ann whined.

"Come on I am sure in the end it will be worth it" Lee tried to coax them while waking up the trail.

"It's been 30 minutes Lee how long is it, I am getting tired" "ME 1" Toff complained after Ann did.

"Few more minutes loves, I have a surprise for you guys. I am sure you guys will thank me later" Lee smirked at the two of them.

"What is it?" both questioned Lee repeatedly as she royally ignored them and hiked up.

"Beautiful" Lee's face was full of satisfaction as she got the sight of the mesmerizing sunrise. Ann and Toff's mouths were hung open to the view, they forgot about their struggles to reach the top. Everyone was silent just watching the sun moving up the horizon painting the sky in various hues of red and oranges in the process.

"Good morning guys." They were interrupted

"Good morning Liam" Lee waved at him. "We are ready" She continued.

"Ready for what?" Toff and Anna questioned simultaneously.

"SUPRISE" Lee screamed causing their eardrums to buzz, Liam and two other men standing in front of them looked geared up to go paragliding. Toff and Anna took a moment to understand but exclaimed excitedly once they understood that they will be gliding down the cliff.

"These guys here will take us back to the beach, so no more walking down loves" Anna and Toff's faces lit up with excitement at what Lee informed them. "We are going to fly down...." she continued "like a bird" she mimicked a flying bird making everyone laugh.

"Love you, Lee!" They both exclaimed at the same time. They engulfed her for a group hug whispering their thank you for waking them early in the morning.

Each one of them paired with the three guys before they jump down the cliff, only one word can describe the view they witnessed. BEAUTIFUL

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