Hazel's pov
I stretched my arms still sprawling on the bed. i was again wide awake since the early morning. I wasn't having any mood to go work as I was lacking of courage to face him, either way i was still feeling sick. The heavy weight in my chest still hasn't subsided neither that nasty headache.
I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts, watching the white ceiling above.
I shouldn't put my self into this awful position just because him. I shouldn't let my self to take this terrible empty feeling to get my self but i can't forget what i saw, and heard yesterday.
Just as i sat on bed breathing deep, i heard mom calling me from the out, saying i should get ready for the work now.
Nevertheless I dragged my body to the bathroom and took a warm bath just to refresh my mind. Strawberry scent was all over my once i stepped out. it felt somewhat relaxed and fresh after the bath, which i was much thankful.
Wearing one of pencil skirt with a silk long sleeve blouse, I let my damp hair down my shoulder hence i couldn't find the drier.
I applied bit of nude color lipstick to cover the paleness of my face but who to kidding, I was still looking dull.
A weak pathetic smile plastered on my lips as i tried to breath calm. I have drowned my self into this pity party and i couldn't let go of that awfulness. I sighed again after taking breath to shove away those unwanted thoughts.
Once done, i went down and had my breakfast with mom. It's almost two days, finally we were eating together. I was happy because of that. I tried my best to engaged in her sweet chat as she was saying how her work shop went well.
After the breakfast I took a cab to the office.
Greeting to everyone i entered the office building.
Heaviness in my chest increased with the each steps i took. i didn't know how I'm going to face him, but i have to somehow.He or his girlfriend shouldn't be my concerns anymore. I shouldn't let him play with my feelings anymore after well knowing how he has put me in dark all these time.
I thought as my anger raised, how much i hate him for making me like this.
After exiting the elevator, i walked through the corridor. It's lie if say my heart didn't clench. it did, not once but several times. yet I chose to ignore it trying to act tough as if, what i saw and heard yesterday nothing to do with me.
That nothing concerns me nor it doesn't hurt me.
Somehow i have to face this, i have to go through this, what even my fault in here. He did everything, he pulled me when i was trying so hard to run from him. he always playing with my emotions, just to feed his stupid ego.
He is the worst man i have ever met. I thought entering into his cabin, somewhere in the corner of my mind, well knowing he wouldn't be there.
usually he come sharp at 8. More than fifteen minutes left for the 8.00am.Relief went over my chest, after seeing the empty cabin. It good if i don't t see him for the rest of day.
Sighing, I put my bag on my table and took my seat, there were few files on my table and i examined them rubbing my aching forehead. They were the remained work i left, when i suddenly went home yesterday.
but wait strange,
how I'm seeing these files completed?
I frowned watching them as the confusion filled in my brain. As far as i remember there's no way this files to be completed.
May be Olivia must have taken care of that, I thought getting up from the seat and took those files into my hand and walked to his table,
i placed them on his table and again my mind went back to yesterday. The sweet smile he gave to that girl flashed right in my head, making my heart to tightned with stinging sensation.

The Tale Of Hearts
Romance"You are mine in a way nobody understand. I say how and I say when" ***************** His rough thumb pads made it way to my lower lips which I'm chewing with nervousness,, I flinched to move away but his other hand come around my...