God, what a bad timing!!!
What am i going to do now!!
I thought looking back at Bryan but stunned seeing him with the same expression as devil. I watched between them in confusion as i felt like there's really something that i don't know!!!
What is it?? Why this two looking at each other as if they were murdering each other inside their heads??? But one thing certainly, this is not a good sign. It's totally a red flag!!!
Hazel's pov
I pulled a skinny jean over my legs still wearing the same turtle neck top, hoping it would cover those unwanted marks at least, nervethlses i couldn't erase all those tainted memorise inside my head. I was readying my self to go out with Bryan yet my mind wasn't at one place. It was running all over the place thinking how easily hyden broke my heart again. He watched us in a thick heated glance, not before passing me without another word as if he really doesn't care.
The middle of my chest began to stung again. It was a sharp thick pain and i knew his ignorance was doing something inside my chest , resulting all this weak emotions to fill in my head. I couldn't forget the hatard glance he gave me last. Disgust, despise, everything were there as he walked past me. Tears pooled into my back of head filling my eyes with them. My heart was aching with an unknown sadness. No no don't think about him!!!!.. tried of everything I took a deep breath trying to swallow all this useless tears. Trying my best to ignore all these unwanted emotions making me weak. Shedding another tear on him felt useless.
This way is better...
I wish he would continue to stay like this. Finally I'm free. No any evil interruptions. Finally he left me for good. Just two more days until mom comes and good bye i wouldn't even look at you back. I swear to myself exhaling deep.
Wow I'm feeling much better.. See I'm really good. I started feeding lies to my self with shallow short breaths.
Good , i should celebrate this, this is something to celebrate. i thought combing my hair into a ponytail while watching my pale reflection.
Today I'm going to have so much fun with Bryan and Tash forgetting all these stupid things. I want to eat lot of sweet cotton candies while riding my favourite merigo round. I thought forcing a smile on my face, trying hard to push aside all the ugly thoughts rebelling in my chest like rubber ball in the water, effortlessly coming to the surface.
Applying bit of nude colour lipstick over my lips to get rid of the paleness of my face, i took my phone and purse. To my surprise it was working. I thought it was dead but luckily it was only out of charge with a little crack on the side of the screen and now perfectly working after putting to the charge.
Sighing out I put all my nececities to my bag and wore my flats then after coming out of my room, I walked my way down to the livng room. Bryan was there having a brunch with aunt. Aunt was laughing her eyes out to a something, probably a lame joke of Bryan. I wondered how he managed to impress all the ladies with his charm.
I watched them in my thoughts as brayan was adding more funny tings in his talk and aunt was continuing to laugh out loud.
Shaking my head with a smile I walked to them. "what's so funny about?" I asked nearing to them as both of them turned to me."Oh you are ready? "brayn said in his same wide smile as aunt wiped her tears, trying to subside her laugh.
" Sweetie oh my god, I can't stop my laugh" aunt said finally taking few greedy breaths.

The Tale Of Hearts
Romance"You are mine in a way nobody understand. I say how and I say when" ***************** His rough thumb pads made it way to my lower lips which I'm chewing with nervousness,, I flinched to move away but his other hand come around my...