Chapter 79

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Hazel's pov

"How unfair it is!" he rasped almost brushing his lips on mine. I held my breath shocked with his act.

"you want to sleep after taking away my sleep?" He asked looking so deep into my eyes which made me almsot breathless. I gasped not being able to take his penetrative gaze, rather looking at him dumbfounded.

"You stole my sleep, my peace ,you have make me crazy for you and now you want to sleep??" He asked in a accusing tone, making my heart jumped. His raspy voice sent chill down my spine, turning my knees into jellies.

My pulse strated to drumming inside my head giving a brief alert to my brain. I knew this is really a bad sign. I knew this is not gonna end well. His dark gaze was promising me that.

A sweet fear started to spread on my cells ,thinking what might this night has stored for me?

As i was in a total daze, he brought me more closer to his chest, while his penitrative gaze was reading all the nervous emotions on my face, resulting me to swallowed hard. I was looking back at him trying not to show him that how his words and closness was making me weak, though that attempt alone futile.

"You don't have a slightest idea, how much of troubles you are putting me through? Do you?" He deeply shighed burring his face on my crook of neck resulting my palms curled into fists.
His breathe was hot, and tickling as it was brushing on my sensitive skin but i was too numb to react. Contents in his voice, snapped something within me, spreading that sweet fear all over my body.

He trailed few feathery kisses while nuzzling his nose on the length of my neck and I was standing like statue unable to move.

"What?" I manged to fumble nevertheless all the chose going in my head. I wanted to know what he has to say because for a mere second I saw through his eyes. They look vulnerable.

Hearing my voice, he pulled away only to cup my cheeks, straightly meeting my eyes. His brown orbs vivid for the first time, reflecting the same desires aligning to his words. My throat became more drier than it now, feeling too exposed before his predatory orbs.

"Do you know how much you have made me crazy for you??" He whispered trailing his lips over my cheeks. I was stunned at his mere touch. Butterflies of nervousness started to fill in my stomach.

"Even with the thought of you with another man make my blood boil !! This jelousy burns me" He groned pressing his steal chest, making my bossoms flushed against him.
A audible whimper left my lips when my heart beat was so loud listening to him. He sounds vulnerable, as if I really matter in his life.

"Today when I saw you in that dress, right away i wanted to lock you in this room, so no one could lay their eyes on you" his jaw clenched as if he was imagining something in his head. Our eyes disconnected for few minutes not before his tounge swapped across his lips moistening them and again looking deep in my eyes.

I sawollwed hard putting my fist on his chest to creat a bit of distance as now his strong coloung was making my head clouded. May be I was hearing these absurd things because of his strong scent. Otherwise there's no way for me to hear these things from his lips. His each and every word making my heart heavy and content making me more insecure about the thoughts now flooding in my head.

"I hate to see you smile with another man, i hate to see you talk with another man, i fucking hate even the thought of they think that they have a chance with you, I hate that they have the privilege to stay near you!!! you have successful in making me crazy for you!!" he growled making me filched at the desperation in his voice.

My throat choked at the heavy lump forming in my throat making me clenched my eye lids as I was feeling afraid to believe the content in his words. He sound so convincing and I was feeling afraid that this might be another trap, this might be a game he trying to play with my head because he is master in manipulation and knew to use it right on time.

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