Tash's pov
I sighed in displeased looking at all the files I would have to go through. The first day at work and it's already feeling depressed as the work load is above my head. Mrs. Linda, the personal assistant of my Dad is no jokes when it's come to work,she had put piles of files and projects for me to read as a task at first the day of my work, saying it was necessary to have a basic idea about the current situation.
Worst of out of all, this killing headache. Yesterday after that fun evening, I was sobered enough in the morning, but my head was still hurting like a bitch. It was pounding as if going to explode any time soon.
seriously why did i drink yesterday like that??
I cursed under my breath at my stupid self while rubbing my aching temple. Then after taking a deep breath started to read the second file .I should finish all these soon if not i wouldn't be able to go home tonight. By the time when i was engulfed in my work, a gentle knocked on my door took my attention.
"Miss. Tasha may i come in?" It was the firm famine voice of Linda,
shit..... Is she bringing more files??? my mind went blank for a while.
forcing out a yes I slowly looked up having a no option. I already had a sore face mentally imagining her carrying another set of files but to my surprise she walked inside clicking her four inched heels on the tiled floor, her hands were holding a small tray with a glass of water and a card of aspirin.
She smiled formally to my questionable eyes not before putting the tray on my table.
"This might help you to subside your headache" she said in her monotonous voice, with a professional smile.
"Oh Thanks" i could only say that as i was shocked, but soon changing my face with a small smile I grabbed the aspirin card to pushed out a one tablet and gulped it with some water.
"How's the progress of your works?" She asked as her eyes inquiring the one files I had just finished reading.
I turned to her with a forced smile all the while my mind was running away from her professional glance.
"It's going well "i lied, biting my lips in the process but she narrowed her eyes while getting close to my table.
"Then it's good" she muttered while her inspecting eyes carrying her inquiries and I was preparing my self for her long speech but she didn't said anything only flashed a small smile in a gentle manner .
isn't she full of surprises today ??
"Miss.Tasha don't think I'm doing this because any personal reason, I know you too having a hard time but these all for your own good, I don't know whether sir had spoke with you about our director board, not all them are good as they seems most of them are acting against us behind our back , specially after the incident with Swiss" she paused watching my reaction but I remained silent.
"if you don't prepare your self in this manner you might end up embarrassing your self In front of that cunning bored members, so my job is to train you well, i know this is a load of works at first day but you should adjust yourself now "she said in a firm voice there's wasn't any hint of joke she is dead serous.
I know everything even before I joined. Dad had already put me in the picture about these issues even about the problem regarding some board members, unlike before they are questioning Dad's every decision after Dad's decision to break off partnership with uncle Adam Swiss which cost us lot.
"Yes, i know" I said in my firm voice.
she wasn't wrong at all Even I'm the daughter of the owner of this company ,they might questioned my capabilities as women in leading this company and more ever after breaking the partnership with Swiss Hotel complex few of our investors left us ,how much I hate to admit the situation we are facing pretty much critical.

The Tale Of Hearts
Romance"You are mine in a way nobody understand. I say how and I say when" ***************** His rough thumb pads made it way to my lower lips which I'm chewing with nervousness,, I flinched to move away but his other hand come around my...