Tash's POV
I took a sip on my wine cautiously looking at the faces in the hall. Most of them wearing those fancy masks and that's annoyed me too much because their faces hidden from my view.
What kind of stupid theme to wear masks? I thought in my hazy mind.
That is the way of a ball! My inner voice reminded. Yes but why he decided to hold a ball rather than a gala? Then this would have been more fun, I internally scoffed.Great Hyden Richardson's stupid ideas. I rolled my eyes taking another sip.
Urghhh i never like that guy!!
I hate his gut from the very beginning, i was always ready to kick him in the ass because he is jerk who deserves to be treated like that. He always made my innocent bestie cry. He is such a jerk who always play with her, but nowdays i could see things becaming strange? I could see her ofeltenly blushing over him. What a mess !!.
I deeply sighed thinking about haze.I don't understand this new game he is playing with her, the only thing i know is I'm going to kick his bad ass for real, if he tries something stupid this time.
I will kick him until he cry!! that would be funny right??
A loud laugh tore through my lips, at the mental imagination of kicking him, all the way earning few weird glances from people around.Oops guess what, I think I'm drunk.
I suppressed my laugh, trying to escaping from those stares and flashed a force smile at few judgy aunties looking at my direction, like i have done a grave mistakes.I deeply breath, standing onto my feet. My head was little hazy, may be from the strong wine i just had. Dad was nowhere to be seen, so my bestie. She still didn't back from restroom.
What taking her so long??
I gulped the last bit of red liquid, looking around but stunned spotting this fat short man i was searching this whole time. Putting empty glass on the table, my feet automatically started to follow him.
I felt a slight dizziness, but shrugging it off , I hurriedly squeezed myself through the crowd, following the man I had been searching from the beginning. He is the key to all my questions, and I couldn't afford to lose him. He walked a little ahead of me, leading us to an empty passage, away from the grand ballroom.
I could feel my pulse quicken with every step i took, my senses heightened by the alcohol coursing through my veins. The world seemed to sway slightly around me, but i clung to my determination like a lifeline. I was impatient to see him, finally leading me to this mystery man who created all these problem in my life. I still don't know what I'm going to do after meeting him. How I'm going to convince a cunning man like him but somehow I had to because that's the only option laid before me.
The passage ended, darkness greeting to me. I couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that had plagued in my chest, the restless curiosity that had led me to this moment. The fat man suddenly no where to be seen. I blinked my blurry eyes for a few time. Looking here and there but he literally has disappeared. He was right ahead of me, suddenly where to he disappeared??
"Mr. Hong??? " i vocalized his name looking back and forth.
"Mr. Ho-ng?" The silent made my voice to become more shaky.
Pondering in my thoughts i took another few more steps ahead but a scream stuck in my throat as suddenly my body being dragged by a hand around my waist. I struggled against whoever pulling me inside to this dark room but the stranger's grip on me was firm, and my attempts to break free were futile.
Gathering my bearings, my eyes wondered through the little light, coming through the glass window.
I could barely make out much details in an instant, but my heart pounded with fear as there was man wearing yet another fancy mask pinning my small body against the wall.

The Tale Of Hearts
Romance"You are mine in a way nobody understand. I say how and I say when" ***************** His rough thumb pads made it way to my lower lips which I'm chewing with nervousness,, I flinched to move away but his other hand come around my...