Hazel's pov"Haz you can't fool me okay…" Tash' whisper yelled all the while giving me her dirty smirk..
"Shhhh ...Tash, do you want us to be kick out from the library?"I whispered back under my breath as the librarian Miss.Fransisco time to time gave us a death glare..
"Okay but you have to tell me when we are out of this hell right?.. ohh Miss.Fransisco's creepy eyes giving me goosebumps.. she is more suitable for the ghost hunt house rather than a librarian.." her not so whisper caught the attention of others as they looked into our direction.
"For god sake Tash, she will hear us" i whined in ny whispering tone but this time Miss.Fransisco's glare tuned to me as she saw our chit chat…
good now
The end semester exams will be held within a few days as we are studying our ass off and in the early morning we got a warning note from librarian.
Silent crept through the crowded library as most of students were focusing on their studies because this exam would be very turning point for our future..
This time of year the library would be very crowded as most of students come to study so if we want to take a place we have to come early ,,Today I got up early to catch a good place for both of us..when I came to the library There were plenty of places. I put my belonging on the spot which was more closer to the window. Tash wasn't presented at the moment, so I was waiting for her all the while taking out my short notes which I prepared last night .
When I was engrossed in this work and pushed my chin up to check whether if Tash was coming, to my surprise a small coffee bottle and a little chit was presented on the table in a hand length.was it something like before from my secret admirer?? .
I look around to see if there anyone to see, but there was no one around as it was really early in the morning. Tash always doubt Eric was the one who doing this..But not only Eric , there was no trace of anyother male there to suspect..
sighing I pick up the note while travelling my eyes here and there in cautious way. My hands tremble as i slowly opened the chit.
"You look so beautiful like untouched rose, love you from your secret lover"
That's what wrote in there.i forgot to breath and i looked around in search. I have almost forget this because I haven't got this kind of chits from q long time.All these started when we were in middle school and seemed like its still continues. I was getting this kind of chits with something. Actually it's creep me first. All this time No one there to suspect. time no one there to suspect, sometimes getting this kind of secret chit's feel a little creepy but I thought to ignore it as it wasn't harmless yet...
Even though Tash and I suspected Eroc for this, sometimes my inner heart says otherwise because Eric is very gentle ,it's true he is very shy and coward but I feel like he is not the one who doing this.
Who is the one who left this notes.? Another thing to think. why I can't live peacefully? ,then the rainy day and the few days ago Monster ball incident came to my mind still I was in a confused mind as i couldn't comparis was it both same person or not??While i was engrossed in my thoughts Tash and Miss.Farasisco enter to the library at the same time.
Even though I gave her my Extra short notes which I prepared for her, I couldn't get a proper chance to tell Tash about this in details because Miss.Fransosco is like a ticking bomb which will explode any time her aggressive nature scaring all the students...
Haz ....this is not the time to all these things. now it's all about university. you have to study hard to get into a top university in LA that would be the best for mom too….

The Tale Of Hearts
Romance"You are mine in a way nobody understand. I say how and I say when" ***************** His rough thumb pads made it way to my lower lips which I'm chewing with nervousness,, I flinched to move away but his other hand come around my...