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- 8th grade

"Today is the day! It's finally the day I will confess to Kang Soojin!" Sunghoon rejoiced as he fell back onto his bed.

"She's perfect, Everything about her." He placed his hand onto his heart and closed his eyes with a smirk on his face.

"Sunghoon! Did you get dressed yet?" His mother yelled from downstairs, startling him.

"Uh.. yeah!"

He lied. His whole entire morning consisted of him focusing on his confession to his long-time crush Kang Soojin.

Ever since he laid eyes on her in the 7th grade, he was mesmerized.

Sunghoon rushed to change into his school uniform and ran right outside the front door. He  headed to the bus stop without even saying a goodbye to his mother, like he usually does.

He rested his head on the slightly cold window while looking outside with a big smile on his face. He probably was the happiest boy in Korea at that very moment. While everyone else on the bus looked pretty much dead, he was definitely shining bright.

Sunghoon finally reached his stop and sprinted off the bus and ran towards the school campus as if he was late.

"Park Sunghoon! Stop running in the halls!"

He ignored completely and continued to his classroom.

"Finally I'm here."

He pressed his hand onto the side of the door while panting, once he calmed down he walked in and went to his seat.

Over and over the name Kang Soojin was replaying in his head, he just couldn't wait for the moment she would walk in.

"Class starts in five minutes... she should be here by now." Sunghoon sighed as he placed his head onto his desk while pouting.

Until Soojin came in.

His eyes had such a pretty sparkle. He was staring so hard he didn't even realize he wasn't blinking. She sat down at her desk while chewing gum and scrolling on her phone.

"Okay. You can do this Sunghoon. You can do this."

He took a deep breath and got up from his seat and went over to her.

"Uh hi Soojin!" He let out a smile that came out awkwardly. "Uh hi." She replied unamused as she usually does.

"So I wanted to ask you if you maybe, wanted to be my girlfriend? I like you and I can tell you like me so... what do you think?" He stood in front of her fiddling with his fingers with a red face.

Soojin looked him dead in the eyes before smirking. "Did you really think I liked you? Are you crazy?" She laughed dramatically on purpose so she can draw more attention to the others in the room.

"What? What do you mean?" His voice cracked, already on the verge of tears, Sunghoon's smile completely dropped. "I lead you on silly! Just wanted to mess with you."

The classroom went silent. No one said a thing. Mainly because they knew Soojin was gonna go after them if they stepped in.

She rolled her eyes since the boy didn't say anything in return.

"I. Don't. Like. You. You understand now?" She said slowly making sure to properly pronounce every syllable. As if he were a small child. Soojin shamelessly looked back down at her phone like nothing happened.

Sunghoon zoned out as his vision blurred from the tears filling up in his eyes and falling down his cheeks. He walked back to his desk without saying anything else. All he did was place his head onto his desk as he covered his face while he silently sobbed.

He really liked Soojin. But ever since this incident, he never felt worthy of love again. He didn't believe anyone would ever love him the way he was able to give love out to others.

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