❦ 14.

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-continuing the day from last chapter

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-continuing the day from last chapter

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"You okay? Feeling better?"

"Yeah, I just feel a little.. off, you know?

"How exactly do you feel off?

"I feel guilty. I don't know! It's just, that, she was crying. Who wouldn't feel some type of way seeing someone else cry? Let alone being the reason Niagara Falls is rushing from their eyes."

"I told you not to worry about it too much. You did nothing wrong whatsoever. You did something you felt was right, rather than keeping it a secret forever. As long as you're happier you shouldn't apologize or feel bad. It's good to cut off people who bring down your energy."

"Woah, okay, didn't know you were spiritual like that."

"Shut up, I'm not. I'm just being real."

"Jia, can I ask you something?"

"Sure? What is it?"

"Wanna go somewhere and hang out?"

"Can't, I have homework, sorry. Maybe we can another time?"

"Come on Jia, I wanna see you."


Nothing. Just meet me at the park near school at 11pm."

"Are you stupid? Who the hell goes to the park one hour before midnight?

"Exactly. I'll see you there. Bye."


- - - - - -

Sunghoon sat alone on one of the six swings on the set. Slightly moving back and forth as the cool night breeze blew against his body. The bright street light with a yellow hue came shining down on areas of the playground. Giving a calm and serene atmosphere, it was like nighttime magic. Definitely a vibe opposed to the usually loud and busy area.

The grey crew-neck sweater he was wearing eased up the cold air well, allowing him to feel comfortable the longer he stayed waiting for Jia. Staring down at his black converse's completely zoned out, Sunghoon suddenly heard footsteps making their way closer towards his direction.

He looked up to see a girl wearing a white tank top with matching coloured joggers. As outerwear, she wore a long knitted, baby pink cardigan with a small white cross-body purse to finish the outfit off. As for her hair, it was in a low ponytail, swaying along with her rhythm as she walked in her black converse's.

Jia let out a soft smile as she stretched out her hand to wave, making her way over to sit on the swing next to his. "Hi Sunghoon."

"See, you came after all." He sent a smile back, finding it difficult to maintain eye contact with the girl adjacent to him. "Yeah, I would feel bad if I were to just leave you here." She chuckled. "Why did you want to come here anyways?" Jia finally got the chance to ask, since he'd interrupted her previously before she questioned anything. "I just felt like it, didn't have a specific reason I guess." He shrugged.

"Come, follow me." Jia suggested getting up from the swing to grab the boy's hand, guiding him towards to play structure. Sitting on the platform just before the area to glide down the side. "Let's play a game. How about would you rather?"

Sunghoon tilted his head as he squinted his eyes  at the girl as if she said something stupid. "What are we, six years old? We're not playing would you rather.

"Okay, you have anything else in mind?" She raised her brows at him, knowing she won't get an answer out of the guy. "No."

"That's all I needed to know, which proved my point. We're playing it." Jia smiled.

"I'll ask first, would you rather have a conversation with your past-self or a conversation with future-self?"

"Uh.. I guess past self." He responded, adjusting the laces of his sneakers. "What would you say?" Jia interrogated, scooting closer next to the tall boy almost making contact with his legs. "Be more optimistic, and no, I will not explain my answer." He laughed. "Fine." The girl rolled her eyes.

"So, would you rather shout all of the time or only be able to whisper?" "That question sucks! You couldn't think of anything better?" She teased Sunghoon before resting her head on his shoulder, which was something she loved doing but kept it to herself. "I'd whisper all the time. Just to have an excuse to get closer to you." She replied doing just that, whispering.

Sunghoon being stunned by the girl's sudden boldness, became flustered. Feeling a wave of heat rush throughout his body as if he just stepped into a sauna. His heartbeat sped up while his mind was on overdrive. Not being able to properly focus anymore.


"You heard what I said didn't you?" Jia insisted, lifting her head up to look more clearly at the boy. "I think the coldness might be getting to you." He laughed awkwardly. "Nope, I'm perfectly fine."

"You sure?"

Unknowingly moving his head closer towards Jia's as she did the same. The two were inches away from each other, momentarily having a glance at their lips. Contemplating whether to forget everything that happened up until this point or, continue since there's no point of going back. Jia made the brave choice to officially go in for the kiss, moving herself closer to Sunghoon to deepen their connection.

"You know how long I wanted to do that?" Jia pulled away staring into his big glazing eyes with a slight smirk on her face. "I probably wanted to do that just as much as you did." He confessed, running his fingers through his black hair. "Really?"

Although he didn't respond back, actions speak louder than words, he moved closer to her face once again, leaning in for a kiss much more passionate than before.

It felt magical for the both of them, it was quite literally perfect as if they were in a Disney movie. Both of them wanting each other for so long, finally getting to express those strong feelings for one another. Not feeling obligated to hide anymore.

Breaking their kiss once again Jia said something that changed everything for them both.

"Sunghoon. I think I'm in love with you."

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