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"Alright. We have only three slides left to make for the PowerPoint!" Bora smiled in satisfaction, as she leaned back in her seat. She looked over at Sunghoon seem tired. "Finally."

"Well, you only did one slide." She laughed.

"So? That one side was hard work."

Fortunately for Sunghoon, Bora wasn't the type of student to get upset at another for not doing their part in a group assignment. She liked school so much, even a student taking credit for her work didn't bother her in the slightest. The more work for her, the better.

"Well anyways, I'll finish the rest when I get home. We did all of that work in 2 days and the project is due next Friday." Sunghoon ignored her words. He simply grabbed a pencil to begin doodling on his desk.

"That's because you're a workaholic." He finally replied.

"I'm just productive."

"Are you trying to convince yourself that?" Her mouth dramatically widened in shock of his response, letting out a slight chuckle.

"You can continue to do nothing now." "Well, I'm not really doing nothing." He looked back at her while still moving the pencil around.

"What are you drawing anyways?" She leaned closer towards Sunghoon to only see him drawing SpongeBob over and over. "Oh my god." She teased. "Why SpongeBob out of all things?"

"Why not?" After his response to Bora, he looked up to notice Jake staring at him with a mischievous look.

He ignored the Australian but could only think about how he'd be questioned by him later on.

"That boy is so weak for her and he just won't admit it to himself." Jake whispered to Jungwon who happened to be his partner. "Exactly. But we both know he'd have to be held at gun point before admitting to that." The two laughed.

She couldn't help but notice how peaceful he looked. His dark, soft looking hair that she wished she could touch. His cheeks had such a slight tint of pink to them, and his eyes, You could get lost in them forever. Although he was doing such a simple thing, drawing on his desk, the way he looked so focused had her head spinning. Ever since she'd laid her eyes on him, It'd been a mystery to her how girls weren't following him. How girls weren't lining up in-front of his door to capture a simple glimpse of him. She knew he was cute from a far distance but up close? He was ethereal. She wondered if he was aware of his beauty.

All of that was going through Bora's head while unintentionally staring at Sunghoon. With one hand resting by her chin, while the other was placed onto the desk.

He felt the presence of her eyes on him, but he ignored the feeling.

"This new choreography I've been trying to learn right now, is driving me insane." The Japanese boy shook his head, as he banged his fist onto the tan coloured wooden desk.

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows being genuinely surprised. Him and Nishimura Riki have known each other since elementary school. One thing about him, is that he is impressively fast at learning dance choreography. Plus, being able to perfect the dance moves smoothly and clean. All while maintaining his unique style.


"Yes, and I swear I'm gonna start losing sleep over this."

"You sure you're not already? You have dark circles." Sunghoon joked as Riki squinted his eyes.

"Hey. Are you two going to continue talking about completely unrelated topics, or will you get on with the work?" Their English teacher Mr. Choi, scolded.

"Yes." Riki grinned as Sunghoon nudged him.

"Are you asking to get in trouble Nishimura?" The man crossed his arms. "No, he's not sir. Sorry about him and his childish behaviour." Sunghoon side eyed Riki. "We'll do our work now."

After Mr. Choi had walked away Riki bursted out in laughter. "You're an idiot man." Sunghoon let out a slight laugh himself. "Come on. Let's just do the work before Mr. Choi comes back to harass us again."

"But English is too hard." Riki whined, pushing the piece of paper further away from him. "Don't even say anything because you speak both Korean and Japanese."

"That's different."

"You guys won't believe what I saw in history class." Jake flashed a mischievous grin. "What happened?" Jay asked while taking a sip of his drink.

"I saw mister Sunghoon, getting very close with Bora." Sunghoon wasn't even surprised in the slightest this was brought up.

"You realize we are all in that class, you could've told us then." The American boy shook his head.

"Who cares, I told Jungwon and besides, you all know now!"

"It's about time you get her number man." Heeseung suggested as Riki joined in on his laughter. "Why is she all you guys talk about now?" Sunghoon asked as he took a bite of  the kimchi on his lunch tray.

"Because we're waiting for you to admit you're in love. When you admit it, we'll leave you alone." Sunoo explained in a sassy tone.

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