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How can she just sit there, looking so beautiful? Her long black, silky hair always looking perfect, and such a smart girl who's capable of so much

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How can she just sit there, looking so beautiful? Her long black, silky hair always looking perfect, and such a smart girl who's capable of so much. Is all that was flowing through Sunghoon's mind every second he was in English, admiring her from a far. He knew it was wrong, of course. That's one of his best friend's girlfriend, even if they were to break up, there's basically an unspoken rule. To never go after any of your friends ex's. But he was just so physically attracted to her it was seriously intense, Sunghoon just couldn't help it.

"Jay. I need help again." Sunghoon said, while he had one hand on his head, as the other rested on the dark chocolate coloured table in the school library.

"It's about Bora."

Jay shook his head in disappointment. "Oh no. Jesus.. what happened now?"

"I can't stop thinking about her." He said as he moved up closer to Jay to make sure he was being quiet.

"Sunghoon. What happened to not liking her? I don't understand! One second you're like 'oh my god guys, stop talking about her, she's so annoying.' To now five seconds later 'she's always on my mind.' Jay mocked. "Listen, you already called me about this before and you're still not over her? She's dating Heeseung remember?" He continued.

"Don't remind me." Sunghoon scoffed while flipping through the pages of a random book he picked up.

"Okay, you want to stop liking her? Just keep reminding yourself that she hates you and she's dating your best friend."

"I already think of that everyday and yet, here I am." Jay dramatically sighed since he knew this conversation was going absolutely no where. Just like the last time they talked about the girl.

After school, Sunghoon and his usual group of friends, decided to eat together at a fast food restaurant. The seven boys sat comfortably with one another at a booth near the back of the restaurant.

"This is the most you've hung out with us since you got your girlfriend." Riki playfully rolled his eyes at Heeseung.

"My priorities are else where now." He laughed. "Hey, you guys have any ideas for what I should get Bora for her birthday? It's on Saturday." Heeseung said after biting into his spicy chicken burger. Wiping the red sauce off of the corners of his mouth, before placing his arms on the table.

"We don't even know her, how will we give you ideas for a gift?" Sunoo budded in.

"I don't care, just think."

"Give her perfume, you know that Dior one or whatever?" Jungwon suggested, sipping on his cold, bubbly soda.

"Hmm good idea. Anyone else?"

"How about you give her a box of a bunch of things she likes?" Jay shared.

"Jay, you're a genius!" Heeseung smiled as he pointed to the boy in agreement of his idea. "She's having a party at her place by the way, you guys are invited and you too Sunghoon.. I guess."

Sunghoon's mouth opened in shock at his words.

"What? You're the one who yelled at her, embarrassing her in front of the whole school." He shrugged.

"It was three months ago Heeseung. And I apologized." Sunghoon specified.

"Alright then. Anyways, the party's at 9:00pm. She doesn't live far so I guess we can meet up at my house then we can walk to Bora's." The six others agreed.

The dark house was filled with strips of purple LED lights spread across the edges of the ceilings. Casting a colourful glow onto the rowdy, dancing teens. Practically almost a hundred people filling the air with echoing laughter and random conversations, blending in with the music that was cranked up to the absolute max volume possible. The strong bass vibrated throughout the rooms, being able to feel the sensation in your body.

The bottom of kitchen counter was unrecognizable as it was filled with bottles of alcohol on top of it. People surrounded all over the entire house with cups in their hands, drinking various liquids teens definitely shouldn't. To top it all off, the place was an absolute mess. Chip bags, cans of soda and beer scattered everywhere. Spills and random stains were pretty much at every twist and turn. It was without a doubt, out of control.

A stressed out, furious Bora stood uncomfortably in the corner of her own living room. Wrapping an arm around her torso as the other held her phone rapidly texting her boyfriend. Just then, the door opened once again as multiple people entered her house as if it were a free for all. Bora looked up to notice people she actually registered in her brain.

"Oh my god Heeseung, Finally!" She ran up to the boy as she hugged him so tight as if she hadn't see him for years. "Why are there so many people here? I said just invite a couple!" She scolded, rubbing her arms out of nervousness at the amount of strangers in her home.

"I did! I guess my friends just invited some more..." he sheepishly smiled at his girlfriend.

She sighed in disappointment at the state of her house. As her eyes were glazing around, they stumbled upon someone she especially didn't want to see on her special day. 


"What the heck is he doing here?" She said, fuming at the sight of the guy. Her face might as well have been red with smoke coming out of her ears.

"Who?" Heeseung asked, being genuinely confused. She turned his body to face Sunghoon, his demeanour dropped in realization.

"What? I thought you guys were cool!" He screwed up his face.

"Just because he apologized doesn't mean we're cool! Come on Heeseung." She raised up her arms in distress pacing around the people amongst her, unintentionally brushing up against them.

"I'm sorry Bora!" He yelled out as loud as he could to layer on top of the music. She shook her head and sighed.

"Fine. I'll let it slide today only because it's my birthday but if you do something else stupid, you're dead."

At his best attempt to avoid the crowd, Sunghoon made his way over to the kitchen to grab himself a drink. Not only did the ridiculous amount of people made him uncomfortable, it was also the fact who's party he was at. I mean, why go to her party in such an awkward circumstance? While standing in front of the kitchen island, chugging his drink he decided to turn his body to glance over at everyone else. Whilst turning, his arm hit another persons.

"My bad." He said to the girl, that girl ended up being Jia.

"Oh you." she said in a tone that was quite obvious she wasn't fond of the guy. "It's fine." She added. Nothing else at the moment was said, she got herself a cup and poured a clear liquid inside. Jia placed herself up against the counter and squinted her eyes at the boy.

"You have some nerve being here."  She rolled her eyes while taking a sip of her drink.

"What is your problem with me?" He raised his brows.

"Are you really asking me that? You're like, being serious?" Jia scoffed.

"Why are you so bitter? Huh? I apologized to your friend. What do you want from me?" Jia didn't respond, instead she walked out of the kitchen purposefully bumping into Sunghoon's shoulder while walking away.

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