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3 years later

- 11th grade

He walked into the classroom with a cold look on his face as always. With his backpack strap on one shoulder. Sunghoon was the student that people thought was sort of mysterious in a way.
He only ever really talked to 6 other guys in his grade and that was about it. No one else.

"Yo what's up Sunghoon!" The golden retriever looking boy called out, by the name of Jake. Sunghoon nodded his head in response.

"I got no sleep last night because I was finishing the homework.." Sunoo rolled his eyes, forcing them to not become heavy.

"We had homework?" The youngest of the group questioned lazily.

"Oh god Nishimura..." Jay shook his head. "Why do you never keep up with things other than dance?"

"Cause nothing else is important." He shrugged.

"Quiet everyone! I have an announcement to make, today we will be welcoming a new student into our classroom, Shin Bora! I want you all to understand, coming into a new school in the middle of the year is not easy. Please be respectful."

The female who walked in was arguably the most beautiful girl that has ever stepped foot onto the school grounds. Everything about her was perfect. Her long, healthy black hair, slim and small face. She didn't even need to wear makeup at all. She was a natural beauty. She hadn't even said a word yet and half of the class practically had their jaws on the floor.

"Hello everyone! I hope we can all get along." She flashed a bright white smile and sat down at the only seat that happened to be available.

The one next to Sunghoon.

He didn't say anything but he gave her a confused look as if he didn't want her there. Which she ignored.

"That new girl in our class is something else."  Jungwon said as he shook his head in disbelief of the girl's looks.

"What is the big deal with this girl? Really guys, we have better things to be focusing on." Sunghoon said in a stern tone.

"Chill out man, why are you so upset anyway?" Heeseung asked. "He's just still depressed about Soo-"

"Ouch, did you really have to punch my arm like that?"  Riki rubbed his arm with a slight pout on his lips. "No way you're still upset about that Sunghoon." Jay raised his eyebrows.

"Can we just talk about something else. Eat your food people. It's lunch time, not interrogation time."

Sometimes It did bother Sunghoon's friends about how cold he was. They often missed who he was before the incident. The rest of the boys sighed and continued to eat their lunches.

"I hate English class." Riki rolled his eyes "Too bad this class is mandatory. Deal with it." Sunghoon scoffed while flipping the page of his textbook. Riki scoffed back and rolled his eyes once again. "Make sure your eyes don't get stuck back there."

Sunghoon arrived home and laid himself down onto his bed, whilst his fingers ran through his hair. He laid in silence with his eyes shut before falling asleep.

-A/N:chapters get longer and progressively better written, trust the process!! i've improved a lot over the months :)

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