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"Sunghoonnn! Sunghoonnnn! Hey!" He finally snapped out of his zoned out state

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"Sunghoonnn! Sunghoonnnn! Hey!" He finally snapped out of his zoned out state.

"What Yeji?" He let out a sigh as he sunk deeper into the couch. "You're not even watching the movie!" She complained as she picked up the TV remote, pausing what was on screen. "Sorry." He said now placing his eyes onto the television.

"Are you okay?" His younger sister asked looking at her brother in genuine worry.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Sunghoon raised his eyebrows at the girl. "You're acting weird Hoonie." Ignoring her words, he snatched the remote which was still in her hand and pressed the play button on the movie.

Although it'd been a little over a week since Bora confessed to the boy, all Sunghoon could think about was

Bora, Bora, Bora.

No matter how many times he wanted that damn girl out of his head. She'd pop right back up. At first he didn't want to admit it but, he really did feel bad for they way he reacted. Plus, Sunghoon's friends had scolded him for it which made him realize how much he really messed up too.

Because school was over and now the summer break, it wasn't like he could apologize even if he wanted to. Sunghoon obviously didn't have any of her contact Information and neither did his friends. All he could really do now was sit with the guilt until he eventually forgot about it.

He laid on his bed as he groaned in pure annoyance and frustration at himself. He grabbed his phone which was on his nightstand and called one of the people he trusted the most.


- - - - - -


"What's up?"

"I'm losing my mind. I keep thinking about what happened with Bora."

"I already told you, you were way too harsh on her."

"I know, I know. I feel bad."

"Hmm, that's new huh?"

"Jay I'm being serious. I don't know. I feel like crap."

"The way you had her crying like that was wild..."

"Thanks for being so useless. Can you just help me?"

"What do you need my help for?"

"I don't know, that's the thing! I'm confused. I want to apologize. Are you sure you don't have her number or anything?"

"No. I already told you this Sunghoon."

"She was being so nice to me and I was acting like a prick."

"Do you realize you are like that to practically everyone?"


"Her eyes, and the way she'd look at me... I missed seeing that."


"Whatever, nevermind. I sound like a moron. I'll leave you alone."


- - - - - -

On a hot sunny Monday afternoon in July, the bright hot blazing yellow sun beamed down on the people of South Korea. The air stiff as ever mimicking the feeling of being fully inside an oven. Lee Heeseung decided to go to the convenience store and grab a couple of snacks. 

"Hmm honey butter chips or cheese?" He quietly asked himself as he stood in front of the isle with a wide variety of different colours and flavours of the crunchy snack.

"Honey butter it is." He lightly smiled to himself bending down, grabbing the yellow bag. While he began to make his way over to the refrigerators to pick up a drink, Heeseung had accidentally bumped into someone's shoulder.

"Ouch!" A familiar voice called out in pain. The tall boy turned around and saw who he'd bumped into was Shin Bora.

"Bora?" She looked up and met eyes with Heeseung. "Oh, hi." She flashed an awkward smile.

"Hey uh, I know this is the last thing you'd want to hear now but, sorry about the whole Sunghoon situation." She sighed before replying.

"I'm alright now. What are you doing here?" She questioned deliberately changing the subject.

"I was just hungry." A laugh escaped from both teens. "Okay, don't know what answer I was expecting." She laughed once again.

"I'm not really doing anything right now, you wanna come hang out with me at the park?" Heeseung asked.

His words surprised Bora since first of all, they never actually had a real conversation with each other yet. They had just only seen one another at school. She was especially hesitant though since all around campus, Heeseung was known as 'The School Playboy.' Which the name pretty much speaks for itself. Thinking about it for a couple more seconds, she thought just simply talking to him for a bit won't hurt. "Sure!" She finally said followed along with a fresh smile.

The two reached the park at sat adjacent on the tan wooden bench facing the playground. It was perfectly placed in the shade with a beautiful bright green willow tree behind. Hearing the peaceful sounds of the nature around them including the birds chirping, woodpeckers knocking their beaks onto trunks and the wind manoeuvring around the area was what made it pleasant.

"I don't want to sound rude or anything but, why did you want to bring me here? I don't know you that much." Bora interrogated, positioning her legs so now one is crossed on top of the other.

"Hey I mean, you agreed already didn't you? Plus, this way I get to know you better."  She shrugged and stayed silent since he was technically right.

They both stayed at the park for about an hour before departing and continuing on their own ways. Heeseung and Bora actually had decent conversations. Talking about potential plans for the rest of the summer, how exams went. Even talking about the more personal things in their lives. Parents, siblings, interests and hobbies. Luckily for Heeseung, he convinced Bora to give him her phone number so they can be able to talk even more.

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