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The ombré coloured sky was the most gorgeous thing in the world

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The ombré coloured sky was the most gorgeous thing in the world. There truly wasn't anything like it. The clear waters swished around, creating such pleasant and calming sounds adding to the beautiful atmosphere of the empty beach.

Well almost empty.

"I'm gonna catch you!" The guy called out sprinting towards the girl, maintaining the genuine wide smile on his face. "No!" She tried to run away faster, as the small grains of the warm sand lifted up beneath her bare feet with every move she made. Her long, white dress glided along with the wind making her look like an angel from heaven. The long locks of hers followed gracefully behind as well.

He finally caught up to her, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist as he spun them both around before gently tackling her to the ground as the two continued to fill the air with giggles.

"Get off of me!" She fought her best to say while in the middle of being attacked with seemingly endless tickles on her torso. "Hey!" She shouted once again.

"Alright I'll stop! Here, come follow me." Without really waiting for an answer, he grabbed her hand, lifting her up from the ground to bring her closer to the fresh water.

"It's so cold! I don't wanna go in!" She whined jokingly, as she was about to walk away, a force pulling her by the arm dragged her down into the icy feeling liquid. The two became completely drenched, however the longer they stayed in the water, the more they became accustomed to the frigid temperature.

The couple found themselves back onto the sand, now laying down next to each other looking up and the sky, as it slowly turned darker but still was bright enough to see the different shades of orange and blue spread out across the horizon.

"Look at me." The pale boy turned the face the girl. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life." He softly said, cupping the side of her cheek with one hand, inching closer to her face. "Look at you!" she laughed, "Have you even seen yourself?"

"Eh, I'd say I'm average."

Once again he leaned in even closer, fully taking in all of her pure beauty. Ready to rest his lips on top of hers.




A light groan escaped his mouth while he could feel a hand aggressively rock his shoulders. At this point his head still laid on the desk with his arms covered around, therefore he couldn't see anything.

"Lift your head up you idiot, there's 3 minutes left of class!" An annoyingly recognizable voice demanded, which he identified to be Jungwon.

"I didn't even realize I fell asleep." He rubbed his eyes as his vision became blurry for a moment which made him repeat the same action once again.

"Yeah, you did like 10 minutes into class." Jungwon scoffed, placing his notebooks back into his backpack. "You didn't get any sleep last night?"

"No, I stayed up on my phone."

"Well whose fault is that?"

Sunghoon ignored the question from his friend, who wasn't necessarily looking for an answer anyways, and switched the subject.

"I had the weirdest dream just now." He shook his head before face palming himself, keeping his hand on his forehead.

"What was it?"

"I was on some kind of date with Bora on the beach." He whispered, not wanting anyone else to hear. "We were chasing each other or something..."

Jungwon's eyes dramatically widened as his mouth did the same in unison.


"I know. It's freaking me out. I have a girlfriend, Why am I dreaming about someone else?"

"I mean.. haven't you heard all dreams have a meaning?"

Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "What meaning does this dream have then, huh?"

"I don't know?" Jungwon threw his hands up as if he was surrendering. "I'm just saying it might mean something."

"What should I say next, come on guys give me ideas!" The girls giggled. "Just tell him you wanna hang out on the weekend! You really like him right?" Jia asked, not looking directly at Danyi, but looking at her own phone instead as she laid flat on the bed.

"Her face oh my god!" Joae laughed before covering her mouth. The poor girls' cheeks became so red there was absolutely no way of hiding her emotions. "Okay I sent it!" Danyi dramatically threw her phone on the end of Jia's bed before crashing down next to her.

"You and Taehoon are gonna look so cute together!" Jia exclaimed. "I'm still not sure though, am I even pretty enough to be with him?"

"Don't even start with that non sense." Joae spoke up. "Look at you, you can have as many guys as you want." Danyi tilted her head to the side with her eyes squinted. "What? The more the merrier, haven't you heard that before?"

"Anyways.." Danyi changed the subject. "Why have you been on your phone for so long Jia? What are you doing on there, texting your boyfriend?" She teased, crawling along the bed in an attempt to take a peek at the lowly dimmed screen. "Maybe."

"I don't know why but I have a feeling you guys will get married soon. Probably when you're both twenty. I see the vision." The nosy girl added.

"Yeah, you do look like the type to get married fast. Then you're gonna have four kids and end up sleep deprived and live happily ever after!" Joae continued.

"Stop! Don't make me think about the future, the future's scary." Jia sighed. "Why?"

"Because then you have to worry about paying your taxes."

"Well... unless you commit tax evasion then..."


The peaceful sounds of the birds chirping surrounded the light blue sky. Bora looked up in awe at the sight in front of her as she sat on one of the park benches, it made her feel so calm, in her element. She smiled for a moment before turning her eyes back to the ground, staring at the vibrant green grass.

Going for walks has always been one of Bora's favourite activities. Especially after a sad event in her life, or even if she happened to be stressed out about something. Nature was her safe place to finally escape the overbearing negative thoughts.

Why was she here on this day in particular?

She started having thoughts about a certain someone again. That certain someone being Park Sunghoon.

He was all she could think about for the past couple of days and she really tried, genuinely tried to do as much as she could to distract herself but nothing was working whatsoever.

She had a crush on Sunghoon all over again.

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