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Finally it was Friday

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Finally it was Friday. People are usually excited when the end of the weekday arrives. Well definitely not the students of Sae-jung High, because on Monday, exams would begin. Luckily for some students not every course requires an exam so they are fortunate enough to maybe have two or even one exam for the semester. However, some aren't as lucky and have all 4 exams to deal with. It was the start of major stress at the school to say the least. On the bright-side of things, the last day of exams also meant the last day of school.

"You excited for exams?" Bora asked the pale skinned boy, not really expecting a positive answer out of him. "No. That's a stupid question." He continued to laid his head down on the desk.

"How many exams do you have?" Sunghoon closed his eyes in annoyance but answered Bora's question regardless. "Two."

"That's not bad! I have exams in all of my classes."

"Well the difference is, you actually like school."

"So? That doesn't mean I'll entirely enjoy exams."  

The two stayed in silence for a few minutes until Bora broke it. "Sunghoon." Her words came out so softly, the boy was slightly taken aback at the softness of her speech.


"Why do you act like that?"

Obviously Bora could've phrased her question differently, but the way it came out sounded quite threatening.

"What?" He sat up straight in his seat with frowned eyebrows facing Bora. "I mean, why are you, so stand-off ish?" She couldn't help but stare at him with a soft gaze.

"It's not the first time I've heard anything like that." Sunghoon chuckled. "I don't know."  He added on.

The thing is he did kind of know. At least to the extent he allowed himself to know. Ever since the whole situation with Soojin, he tried numerous times again and again to gaslight himself that it all never happened. Maybe it was some weird coping mechanism? Although he'd convince himself as much as he could that his memory was fabricated, he knew deep down it was the cold hearted truth.

Bora hummed in response since she couldn't really get much out of him, and didn't want to pry anymore.

"Sunghoon. I want to make it very clear to you that you have to study hard for your exams." His mother explained strictly, as she took a bite of the pile of white fluffy rice that was in front of her.

"This is very important son, we want to see you succeed." His father added in. "Ha ha!" His younger sister teased. "Imagine having exams? That must really suck huh?" She laughed, nudging her brother's arm trying to bother him.

"Shut up Yeji. I can't wait for you to fail your exams." He joked.

Although Sunghoon was known as the boy who was colder than ice, he had a soft spot for his sister who is five years younger than him. When the two were younger in age, they were a lot closer. From playing together on their Nintendo DS's, splashing each other with the sparkling clear ocean water, to always having each other's backs no matter what. As they grew up, they also grew apart. Since they were busy with other things in their lives. However that didn't stop Sunghoon from caring about his sister.

"You know, sometimes I wish I was thirteen again."

"What is it like to be old Sunghoon?" Yeji snickered.

"It's terrible, you have a bunch of work to do, and you start getting lots of backaches and pain." He smiled.

"Sunghoon, don't scare your sister." His mother scolded.

His eyebrows were scrunched together while his hand was on his head looking at the crisp, white paper in utter confusion. Sunghoon actually listened to his parents and studied for his exams. However, it was almost like no matter the hours and hours on end he'd wasted going over numerous math equations and formulas, trying out practice questions, nothing seemed to stick whatsoever. This obviously bothered the boy since he was putting so much effort in his studies more than usual for it to quite literally do nothing.

He let out a sigh, picked up his pencil and wrote as many of the answers on the pages as he could.

Bora on the other hand, was having a field day with her exams. Unlike Sunghoon with two exams, she had all of each class, her first being math. Which she breezed through it like nothing, in-fact she was the first to finish hers in the class which meant she got to leave school early.

Let's just say Bora had quite the scare when she remembered she didn't erase something she'd written on her one of the pages of her exam.

"I finished that quick." She whispered to herself as she flipped the pages, making sure she hadn't forgotten any questions to answer.

She didn't feel like getting up from her seat just yet to hand in the exam since it's always quite awkward to be the first person in the class to do so, so she decided to fiddle around with paper.

Without thinking,


she didn't fully take it exactly what she'd written somewhere on one of the pages

'Shin Bora or Park Bora? Hmm..Park!'

With hearts surrounding the words.

A/N: please vote throughout the story, it's very appreciated! hope you're enjoying the ff <3

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