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"Good morning everyone

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"Good morning everyone. I would like to tell you all that today you all will be starting a new, fun project here in History class. I would like you guys to research a topic you and your partner are both interested in and inform the class about the history around it. I'd like to put my emphasis on the word both. The topic can be about anything appropriate."

"Another project I have to do?" Jay shook his head while Riki laughed at him. "Don't know why you're laughing, you have to do it too."

"For this project I will be choosing the partners because I don't want something to happen like last time to occur."

This situation Miss Lee was referring to was 2 months ago when the class had a previous project to work on. Everyone was told to pick a partner to do a book talk presentation. Sounds simple and innocent right? Well not when it came to Riki and his partner Ta-ki at the time, who unfortunately left the school now. They thought it would be a good idea to make the presentation on the children's book and tv series, 'Dora The Explorer.' Let's just say Miss Lee wasn't too fond of it.

"Jay, your partner is Doyong."
"Soyeon, your partner is Minji."
Hajun, your partner is Jia."

All when Sunghoon finally hears his name.

"Sunghoon, your partner is Bora."

His eyes widened immediately after what he had heard. "Crap." He quietly mumbled. He rubbed his face in annoyance but kept quiet.

All while Bora had the biggest smile on her face.

"Okay now all of you go and sit next to your partner and get to work. No fooling around."

"Hi" Bora said in the sweetest voice possible. Sunghoon replied with a simple nod.

"Do you have any ideas for what we will talk about yet?"

"No, it's not like we'll have anything in common anyway." He turned his head away to avoid conversation however, Bora still made an effort to speak up once again. "How would you know that? I'm new here."

"I don't care."

The pretty girl sighed while slightly pouting her lips in frustration. "Well what are some things that you like?"

"I like staying inside my bedroom and sleeping." He said completely uninterested.

"Come on you know that's not that kind of stuff that I was talking about. How about this? I like video games. What about you?"

"Yeah, I like some."

"Nice! See, we're getting somewhere. I really like Mario Kart. Do you?"

"Yeah?" He replied, confused to why the girl became increasingly more excited.

She smiled. "There's our topic. See how easy that was?"

The boy didn't reply.

"Well I'll start up the PowerPoint." She proceeded while reaching for her laptop that was in her backpack. "Good, do that while I sleep." He slightly smiled as he put his head down.

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