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- first chapter of 2024 ooooo enjoy, veryyyy short one tho :3

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- first chapter of 2024 ooooo enjoy, veryyyy short one tho :3

"Are you almost done with the worksheet? I want my answers." Jungwon asked bored as ever, slouching down in his chair.

Sunghoon rolled his eyes while maintaining focus on the page. "Yeah, yeah, can you have a little more patience?"

"Fine. I should be greatful for this anyways."

"Exactly. Now shut up before you make me change my mind." The older guy joked.

While sitting in his seat and waiting for Sunghoon to fill the sheet with answers, Jungwon couldn't help but have his mind be full of roaming thoughts and feelings. The boy squinted his eyes before finally speaking up once more.

"You've been acting so different lately." Jungwon let out a slight laugh.

"What do you mean different?"

"You know, less annoying."

Sunghoon shot him a stern look making Jungwon crack a smile, clearly not taking his friend seriously.

"You're more lively now. It's a good thing, stop looking at me like I'm crazy." He said while grabbing the paper from underneath Sunghoon's hands.

Sunghoon had never really noticed the change in his demeanour until Jungwon said something about it. All he ever noticed since eighth grade was that people were hesitant to approach him. Fearing the boy would stare at them awkwardly before eventually walking away. If it wasn't that, saying a sly comment. It's not that Sunghoon did it on purpose, that wasn't the case whatsoever. It was more of a subconscious thing, something he was doing without realizing and that's just how he was.

Soojin rejecting him was all it took to change his entire personality for the worst, effecting his overall mood and the people around him.

He'd constantly be upset about nothing in specific, but that built up anger and resentment he had inside of him, was taken out on others repeatedly. It was a wonder he maintained the friends he had since he was always bringing the mood down.

"Jia's a good person Sunghoon, don't hurt her." He spoke up again, patting the guy on his shoulder. "I won't, don't worry about it." He chuckled.

Bora was conflicted, her mind felt as if it were running a million miles an hour as she contemplated on what to do. Any chance she got, she took the opportunity to steal a glance at Sunghoon. She couldn't help it. She wanted to talk to him so bad, like it hurt not to exchange words with him all of a sudden. She especially had the courage since Heeseung was away from school.

Watching the clock as it ticked by the second, she waited for the moment when the hand hit 1:55pm, the end of class.

"Hi Sunghoon." She smiled, stopping the boy as he grabbed his backpack about to walk out the classroom.

"Uh, hi." He awkwardly nodded his head upwards, wondering why she was even talking to him in the first place so suddenly.

"Do you wanna hang out after school? I think it'll be nice to catch up after all that time, don't you think?"


"Sorry Bora. I'm really tired, I stayed up all night working on an assignment for biology and can barely keep my eyes open." He sighed, making his eyes look a lot more exaggerated than they really were.

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Maybe we can another time then mhm?" She suggested.

"We'll see." He flashed the fakest grin possible before completely walking off.

Obviously he lied. He didn't want another repeat of that last incident to happen again, so he really made sure to not say anything stupid. I mean, it would feel wrong to go somewhere alone with another girl who wasn't Jia. That's his girlfriend and he can't do that to her. Plus, Bora and Jia being ex-friends wouldn't help with the awkwardness either...

- - - - - -


"What's up, did anything fun today?"

"Today was alright, everyone pretty much stayed inside all day."

"You had fun at school? Mhmm?"

"Ha ha very funny."

"It's a genuine question! Come on, answer."

"School was alright, nothing interesting happened. Like always."

"Must suck huh?"


"Hey, wanna know something?"


"I missed you."

"Jia we've talked everyday since you've been on vacation."

"Yeah but not in person. It's not the same silly."

"At least you have the chance to talk to me. Such an ungrateful girl..."

"Shut up!"

"Alright, I'm gonna go now, love you Jia."

"Love you."

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