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As the remaining days of school went by, all Bora could think about was

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As the remaining days of school went by, all Bora could think about was

Sunghoon, Sunghoon, Sunghoon.

Ever single time she was in his presence, it was instant butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. She was immensely attracted to him as if she were being pulled towards him like a magnet. No matter how cold of a person Sunghoon was, her liking for him never once changed.

Her heart never missed the chance to skip a beat as her head filled with thoughts and dreams, of what their possible future would look like together. 

She was without a doubt, in love.

"Hey, Bora? Hellooo? Bora!"

"Huh? What?" She finally came back to reality after zoning out into absolutely nothing. Bora turned to face her friend Jia who happened to be sitting next to her during their last exam.

"Are you good?" Jia let out a slight laugh. "Yeah, yeah. I'm 100% fine." Jia squinted her eyes at the girl.

"You thinking about Sunghoon?" She questioned.

"Shhh! At least be quiet, please! Don't go around letting the world know." Bora frowned as she slouched down into her seat.

"Confess to him."

"What?! Are you crazy?"

"Bora. Come on, just do it! You're a pretty girl right?" Jia raised her brows.

"Yeah I guess?"

"Exactly so, it's going to be fine. After this exam, confess!" Bora groaned at the thought of telling Sunghoon about her feelings, until she spontaneously thought of what she'd thought to be a great idea.

"How about I write a letter, give it to him and then run off?" Jia shook her head.

"What is this, 1845? You're not writing him a fricking letter." her friend sighed.

"If you really liked him, you'd tell him to his face."

"But I do really like him!" She responded sounding whiny.

"Then show that to him! I want to see you happy Bora. If this really all works out, you guys will be the cutest together."

She blushed thinking about the two going around, holding hands and doing other cute couple-y stuff together. The thought of being that one person who would be able to melt his cold persona made her eyes sparkle.

"You know what, I will. After school, I'll wait outside and when I see him, I'll tell him."

Since this was the last day of exams, it also was the last day of school. This meant every student had to show up regardless if they had an exam to complete or not. The ones who didn't, came in to get their results and practically hung around for the rest of the day. Students who had their final exam got their previous exam marks and had to wait for the marks of their current one for later on in an email.

Bora waited as she was posted up against the school wall outside. She stared around, making sure the exact moment she caught Sunghoon, she'd put her plan into action. The more and more she waited, the more nervous she felt. She was filled with both anticipation and excitement all mixed with a touch of uneasiness.

She waited a couple of minutes more until she finally saw him with his friends.

"Hi Sunghoon." She flashed him a smile as she tried to maintain her composure after sprinting towards him. He stopped in his tracks and looked at her with a confused face, since they never talked outside of the one class they shared. The six of his friends stood behind, watching the whole ordeal.

"What do you want?"

"Um..." she began to slightly shake in fear but forced herself to maintain being calm.

"Sunghoon, there's something I want to tell you. Please take what I'm about to say into consideration."

"Uh, well what is it?"

"I like you."

Right when those words came out of Bora's mouth, she was surrounded by several raised eyebrows and gasps. The face in front of her was filled with pure and genuine confusion. The boy's mouth was slightly open while his head was tilted to the side before scoffing at the girl.

"No you don't."

"What do you mean I don't?" Bora stepped closer to the teen.

"I said you don't like me. No one likes me that way, don't be stupid."


"And besides, I don't really like your presence in its self to be honest."

She instantly felt a sudden heavy feeling in her chest, it was like her heart dropped. Her eyes narrowed in confusion until they eventually dropped to show her defeated emotion.

"But what did I do? Sunghoon, I like you. I want to get to know you better." Her voice choked up in between her words. The girl's dark chocolate coloured eyes were completely filled up with salt water. Blurring her vision, she was barely able to see what was in front of her other than the tears that were beginning to drip down her cheeks.

After hearing the words "I want to date you.", He had an instant flashback of the Soojin situation for a split second. How his heart was completely broken in that very moment. He shook his head and remembered that no one would ever love him. Love wasn't meant for him.

No one was going to waste their affection, time and energy onto Sunghoon because he wasn't worthy enough.

"Bora stop lying to yourself okay? You don't like me so stop being delusional and leave me alone." He walked off essentially leaving his friends behind as they watched in shock.

Leaving a red faced Shin Bora, a sobbing mess now sitting on the ground in a criss-cross position.

She felt stupid. How could she even develop such strong feelings for someone she's only known for a few weeks? How did a small crush come along with such strong feelings? How did she let this happen?

She couldn't even really tell you anything about him, let alone knowing he even has a younger sister.

But it was real. Her liking towards him was nothing but real.

She didn't understand she didn't actually love him no matter how much she thought she did. She was only infatuated, that wasn't love.

The poor girl was too foolish to realize.

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