❦ 17.

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-continuing the day from last chapter

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-continuing the day from last chapter

Before she looked up at who it might be, she made sure to catch her breath. Bora wiped away the tears from her soft as ever cheeks, only to immediately meet eyes with the only and only

Park Sunghoon.

His distance made her jump as now he was crouching on the floor, still hovering so he doesn't completely touch it. The look in his eyes was so telling, the genuine worry and sorrow staring right back at her.

In a way it was quite off putting since the last vivid encounter she had with the guy, was him striking down her confidence all at once. Hearing the pure annoyance and frustration in his voice as she stood in front of him, pouring her heart out.

Looking at him now, she sensed a completely different aura.

When someone says anything about a vibe being bad or good, you usually just think of it simply as an expression. Not too much meaning or thought behind it. But when you actually sit down and think about it, your intuition, most of the time, isn't that far off.

You really do feel the wavelengths of the people and things around you. That energy which surrounded Sunghoon was anything but positive, at least when Bora was around.

You could instantly sense the tension in the air but at the time she chose to ignore it. After all, she did have a huge crush on him.

Now she felt safe. It was especially strange since it wasn't like the two talked to one another recently. In fact, they both purposefully avoided each other. Bora couldn't help but feel the painful urge to hug the hell out of the guy.

So that's exactly what she did.

Bora slightly lifted herself up as she got on her knees to stretch out her arms, wrapping them around his torso. Confused by her sudden action Sunghoon quietly mouthed the word 'what?' Not loud enough for her to hear.

But let it happen until she finally pulled away, tucking her medium length, black hair behind her ears as she sat back down.

Her knees up to her chest with her arms around.

"You gonna tell me what's wrong?" The boy asked, now sitting beside the girl who had calmed down much more.

"Uh yeah." Bora slightly chuckled, shaking her head at the spontaneous gesture she'd done. "Sorry I did that. That was uncalled for."

"It's fine." Sunghoon shrugged, still inching for an answer as she still didn't respond to his previous question. Because he didn't want to pry he didn't ask again.

"Heeseung and I broke up."

The words struggled to make it smoothly out of her mouth. It was probably at every syllable the teen was choking up on her words, so close to crying all over again.

Right when that sentence hit Sunghoon's eardrums, it did not phase him whatsoever. It wasn't that he didn't care, he kind of almost expected that to happen sooner. Sunghoon knew Heeseung wasn't going to change his ways that easily, especially in that short amount of time. It would be impossible.

He sighed watching Bora break down into tears once more. Seeing that sight made him feel horrible, and it wasn't even his fault she was upset this time.

He scooted closer to her and placed an arm around her shoulders before Bora comfortably rested her head on his. The two were basically cuddled up together, anyone walking by would swear they were dating.

Eventually realizing this, Sunghoon jolted away.

"What the hell am I doing?" He mumbled while running his fingers through his hair, still sat on the ground. Now further.

"What made you follow me here anyway?" She finally spat out.

"I, I don't know? I felt like I should do something. If I just watched like everyone else, I'd feel guilty." He shrugged.

Her eyes moved away from staring at the floor to now make contact with the guy next to her."Where's Jia? Sunghoon just leave. Go before she drags you when she catches you here." Bora spoke, sounding completely bothered by his presence all of a sudden.

"Jia's not here. She's on vacation in Jeju, she left on Tuesday."

Bora frowned. Obviously she was in Jeju. Every year Jia would fly over there to visit her grandparents and stay for about two weeks. She would even send photos of the various places she'd go to, or food she was eating. Talking about how her trip would be so much better if Bora was there. Obviously this time around was quite the change...

"Oh, right."

"Um, sorry for asking I guess, you don't need to answer if you're not comfortable. Why did you and Heeseung break up?"

"Well, I initiated the break up because I felt like our relationship wasn't going anywhere anymore. It felt dry. After that, he was comfortable enough to tell me he was cheating the whole time."

Of course. He thought. It was only a matter of time before she found out. Now he didn't feel as bad not saying anything after all. Plus even if he was the first person to break the news to her, she'd probably hate his guts more than she already does.

"Sorry to hear that."

"Well he's your friend so..."

"I don't agree with what he did, that's terrible. You're a great person and you don't deserve that." He said so gently, it made Bora finally smile after all of the mess that occurred. "Thanks, I appreciate that."

"I mean it, seriously. If you want me to talk to him about it I can. Maybe you guys can get together again an-"

"No! I'm good. I'm completely done with him." She laughed. "Oh. Alright then.."

He huffed before getting up from the floor to stand up, for the first time in what felt like forever.

"I'll see you around." He nodded as he turned to walk away. After taking less than five steps Bora called out to him causing his body to turn to her direction once again.

"You aren't as bad after all." She said, letting out a weak smile. Sunghoon did the same but stayed silent, continuing to walk off for good.

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