❦ 11.

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"Come on! Why wouldn't you want to go to Paris?"

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"Come on! Why wouldn't you want to go to Paris?"

"Because I heard it's pickpocket central. I mean, if that's what you're into.." Sunghoon laughed.

"Shut up." Jia scoffed before picking up her paper, placing it into her red folder. Which went right into her bag.

"Jia!" Sunghoon called out to the girl who was already beginning to walk towards the classroom door to exit.

"Yeah?" "You wanna get lunch together?" Jia's brows frowned as she tilted her head to the side. "Do you have any functioning brain cells or what?"

"What? Just for one day, please?"

"Our friends don't even know we talk to each other. Now you want to have lunch together? Sunghoon. You'll never fail to impress me with the amount of audacity you have."

The boy took a few steps closer to Jia and bent down slightly towards her face, reaching her level.

"Please Jia. Just this one time. You don't still hate me do you?" Their eye contact was intense. Jia's heart began to flutter with a strange feeling in her stomach being tangled inside. Her palms became sweaty as she fiddled with her fingers staring up at him. She thought about how these days she'd been third-wheeling Bora and Heeseung during lunch. It definitely had its awkward moments which she'd rather not sit any longer for.

"Alright, fine. We just have to be careful they don't see us."

"Where's Sunghoon?" Jake questioned as he turned his head to look around the lunchroom.

"No idea, he was in math this morning." Jungwon gripped his chopsticks on a piece of kimchi and placed the crunchy side dish in his mouth.

"You guys wanna get frozen yogurt after school?" Sunoo suggested to the group.

"I'm busy. My teacher decided to give us 4 pages of homework all due tomorrow." Jay shook his head in disappointment. "What about you Jake?"

"Got physics homework to do."

Sunoo rolled his eyes before scoffing. "Not even gonna ask you Riki." The younger boy grinned.

"I can go!" Jungwon smiled. "Because I'm a good student, I finished all of my work in class."

"Wow! You want a cookie?" Riki said in a mocking tone.

Both Sunghoon and Jia sat on the side of the soccer field located in the back of the school. Not too many people came out there during lunchtime so it was definitely a private area for the two. Which meant no unwanted attention.

"See? No one is here watching. These people over there probably don't even know us." Sunghoon reassured the girl, stretching his arm around her shoulders.

"I guess you're right. Maybe, it is nice having lunch with someone else for once." She mumbled under her breath. "What was that?"

"Oh, nothing." Jia smirked. "I guess you're not as annoying as I thought you were." He spoke up. "And you're not as rude as I thought you were." She giggled. "Interesting huh?"


"Where were you at lunch Jia? Heeseung and I were waiting forever!" Jia rolled her eyes internally.

"Forgot to tell you! I felt really sick so I stayed in the office in case I threw up or something."

"Oh my god! You're feeling better right?" Bora asked. "Yeah. A lot better."

More and more, Jia would increasingly get annoyed and bothered by her own best friend. Someone who she'd been friends with for a little over a year. It was almost like something switched, after hanging out with Sunghoon on and off for a month. Unfortunately it had to be inconsistent or else more questions would arise.

"I don't know how much longer I can deal with Bora Sunghoon." Jia whined as she rested her head onto his shoulder as they sat on their usual area on the grass. "Just tell her you don't want to be friends anymore."

"It's just, not that easy to tell her. You know?"

He immediately got flashbacks to what he saw a few months ago. When he found out about what Heeseung was doing, he had the urge to say so much but kept quiet. He completely understood where Jia was coming from. Having to answer a bunch of follow up questions after the fact, people possibly upset at you so they spread rumours. It seem as if it was just not worth all the mess.

"Yeah actually, I get it." He replied softy, moving his head to get a glimpse of her face.

He felt his heart skip a beat as he took in the fact she was laying on him. She looked so beautiful it was unreal. Her hair was a dark brown, as the sun shines on it, it glowed so beautifully giving the illusion her hair was lighter. She always smelled so sweet, a mix of vanilla and strawberries, the strawberry coming from her healthy strands. Although Jia had her cold moments, being slightly passive aggressive or sarcastic Sunghoon didn't mind at all. In a way, he saw a bit of himself in her. The two were so similar in many ways it brought comfort for them both. Not only did they have similar characteristics, Jia also had a younger sibling, being her brother Ji-han who she obviously was extremely protective over.

Sunghoon and Jia felt close, connected, caring towards one another. Sunghoon couldn't even remember the last time he felt this way about someone. None the less Soojin. Even those feelings for her weren't as strong. Jia was the type of girl who was very sure of herself and didn't need anyone to back her up, he liked that, loved it. She was confident and it radiated off of her immensely.

-shorter chap <3

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