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Each and every time the weekend hit, Jia never took that time for granted and always slept in for that extra amount of comfortable resting

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Each and every time the weekend hit, Jia never took that time for granted and always slept in for that extra amount of comfortable resting. On this particular Saturday morning, she'd waken up a little after 12 in the afternoon. As the somewhat bright light from the January weather outside shined into her bedroom. The girl rubbed her eyes and groaned in annoyance at the sudden sight before quickly getting up to make her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Which is what she always did as a normal part of her routine.

As she began to walk closer to where she needed to be, the conversation her parents were having caught her attention. Mainly because she noticed the serious tone they'd put on, plus the two were quite loud and almost arguing so it wasn't hard to miss. The blatant stress radiated throughout the home.

"I'm serious, I don't think I can pay this on time. I told you I tried okay? I've been doing as much as I can." Her father's voice sounded completely defeated.

"Oh my goodness, alright. At least you tried, I  understand." The woman sighed, before the footsteps of her slowly walking away faded as she proceeded in the distance. Jia was still frozen in the main hallway of her apartment as a million thoughts ran through her mind. She had a few ideas to what they might've been discussing, but ultimately decided to pretend as if she heard nothing and went her way to freshen herself up for the day. After all, she didn't want to stress about something she wasn't even sure of in the first place.

"I don't wanna play anymore!" Riki, the youngest of the group dramatically whined over the call consisting of the six other players, as he inched his video game character deeper into the dark forest. Even with his flashlight he had equipped, it wasn't entirely enough to see much ahead. "Just shut up and keep walking!" Jay chimed in out of seemingly nowhere, laughing at his computer screen watching the boy move one step at a time.

"Why did I have to be in front and not one of you idiots?" He complained. "Because you're the sacrifice." Jake added in as the rest of the boys bursted into laughter simultaneously. "I can't deal with the suspense anymore, can we all just walk faster?" Sunghoon sighed. And just like that, he sped away from the group and a loud, obnoxious, screeching sound blared through his headphones while the tall and skinny creature sprinted towards him. "OH SHI-"

The group continued their giggles and the longer they played together, that hour quickly turned into hours. The boys were not too long into their next search of a new eerie location before the harsh sound of his bedroom door unlocking, made him jump in pure fear.

"Mom! Can you knock next time? Oh my gosh." Sunghoon shook his head while taking the navy blue headphones off of his head. "You've been playing that game forever! You're going to strain your eyes, you want to become blind like me?" After not getting a response she pried again. "Hmm?"

"No, no I dont want to be blind mom." The teen sighed.

"Good now get off the game. Now."

As soon as his mother left the room he clicked the unmute button to say his goodbyes.

"I'm gonna go now guys. I'm getting bored, tired and hungry. Call you guys later."

Immediately after he left the group call from his computer, he received another call but this time it was coming from his cellphone.

"Hey Jia, what's up? You doing anything fun?"

"Nope. I stayed home all day and binged watched a bunch of random movies."

"That sounds fun! What do you mean?"

"Well it would've been more fun if you were here."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. That's so corny don't ever say anything like that again."

"I can't promise you that..."

"Anyways, I called because I had something on my mind all day and it's been bothering me."

"What is it? You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine it's just that I heard my parents talking earlier, And my dad was saying something like 'he can't pay something on time' I don't know, I'm overthinking.... I don't know. I feel like he's talking about the bills. I'm worried..."

"So you didn't hear what was said before that?"

"No but I think that's what he was talking about though."

"Hey, you don't know that though, he could've been talking about anything. Just don't worry about it Jia. I guess if you really want to know what he meant just ask."

"I can't just ask! I don't know, we'll see. Thanks for letting me talk about this, it's been freaking me out all day."

"That's probably why you were binge watching movies like a psychopath. To distract yourself."

"Okay not like a psychopath!"

"Come on, who else watches multiple movies in a day?"

"Me! Anyways. thanks again."

"You don't have to thank me."

"Yeah I do...I should go to bed now, I keep yawning. Goodnight Sunghoon see you on Monday?"

"Yeah, love you Jia, Goodnight."

"Ooo love you Jia! Goodnight!" A unfortunately familiar girl's voice mocked. Sunghoon frowned his eyebrows in confusion before spinning around in his fully black gaming chair only to lay eyes onto Yeji. Stomach flat on his bed with her head resting in her hands, as she was completely invested and listened in on the entire conversation with no shame.

His eyes widened as her smile grew. "The hell are you doing in here Yeji? Oh my god, get out!"

Completely ignoring his words, she inched closer to his desk fiddling with the pencils sat on the side as she interrogated. "You didn't tell me about your girlfriend! Is she pretty?"

"Why would she be ugly?" He asked.

"Fair enough. How long you guys been dating?"

"None of your business child, go to bed and get out!"

"Fine! I'll let you keep talking all lovey dovey my bad!"

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