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"I just miss her so much, wish she was still here

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"I just miss her so much, wish she was still here." A girl with long, dark wavy hair pouted, resting her elbows onto the café table. "I just feel so empty inside without Lily." Her eyes now filling up with tears about to run down her cheeks.

An uninterested Heeseung sitting across rolled his eyes before patting the girl on her shoulder. "It'll be alright Seohyun, I mean, I think it's about time you get over your cat dying."

She looked up at Heeseung as her face dropped in anger. "What?"

"Your cat died 3 months ago. Are you serious?"

"I had her since I was nine years old Heeseung!" Seohyun raised her voice making some of the other customers turn their heads.

"Shh, calm down." Instead of Seohyun calming down, that statement made her do the complete opposite. "Excuse me? Do you have a pet? Did the thing you love most die?" In the middle of an enraged Seohyun, Heeseung's phone made a notification sound, being multiple text messages from his girlfriend Bora.

_ _ _ _ _ _




wanna go out today? maybe right now??

to a restaurant??? i've been saving up money so i may or may not treat you to something nice 😊😊

come on, get ready and i'll ask my mom to drop us off

see you!

_ _ _ _ _ _

After looking at his phone he laid his eyes back onto Seohyun with a relieved look on his face. "I have to go now. Uh, I'll think about it if I want to see you again. Since you're slightly annoying." He rushed to push in his chair before speed walking out of the shop.

Since he was already dressed up as he was out with Seohyun, he didn't have to worry about changing into a completely different outfit. He simply sat in his living room waiting for Bora to show up outside.

"Heeseung what are you doing here again if you're just going to go out again?" His mother questioned. "Um, well. I don't know? That doesn't matter mom, how about you continue cooking whatever you have going on hmm?"

Suddenly the sound a car's horn blared loud enough to be heard from the inside. Which was Heeseung's cue to get going.

"Bye, I'll see you later." He called out as he sprung up from the couch practically jogging towards to front door.

"Get in!" Bora smiled and she rolled her window down from the back seats, letting the fresh autumn breeze enter the vehicle. "You gonna tell me where we're going or what?" He playfully smiled at Bora with crossed arms. "Nope! It's a surprise." "Forgot to greet you before, Hi miss Shin." Heeseung acknowledged the woman sitting in the drivers seat who kept her hands placed on the wheel. "Hello Heeseung! Making sure to be nice to my daughter right?" She started down at him through the rear view mirror. "Yes, you don't have to worry about me." He slightly let out a laugh at the hypocrisy. 

"Alright we're here!" Bora smiled as the car arrived in a parking spot of the restaurant with the name of "Wonderland."

"Have fun you two! I'll be back at 8pm to pick you guys up alright?" Miss Shin said with pure happiness in her eyes. "Okay!" Bora exclaimed before holding Heeseung's hand guiding him to the entrance of the restaurant.

"What can I start you both off with?" The sophisticated looking woman with a notepad in her hands, asked the two teens. "Can we get a plate of fried wontons?" Bora asked smiling towards Heeseung as she held onto the menu. "Anything else?" "Can we also get a plate of the pork dumplings?" "For sure! I'll get those for you guys no problem." The lady explained enthusiastically before walking off to hand over their order of appetizers to the chefs in the kitchen. "How have you managed to save up so much money for this?" Heeseung questioned the girl sitting across from him with raised brows. "I started working extra hours at my job! Four more hours to be exact." "Cool, cool. So what have you been doing today? Before we came here?" "Not much. Just stayed at home anticipating coming here with you."

A wave of pink rushed across her face as the words came out of her mouth, reaching over the table to hold his hands. Just looking at him was enough to make her heartbeat speed up by miles, each and everytime she'd look at him, sparkles glimmered from her irises. Shining bright as the stars in the deep, dark night sky millions of light years away from earth, probably even brighter. Heeseung made her immensely happy, always willing to make time for her, spend time with her, give her nice things and treat her right. She felt the need to repay him for the kindness he's shown by paying for their entire meal at "Wonderland."

"Here is your food guys! Hope you enjoy, let me know if there's anything you need, I'll be here right away." The server walked off once again.

The longer the two sat at the table together, the more guilt Heeseung drowned in. Hearing the constant praise from his loyal girlfriend, made him feel in such a way. A way of feeling as though maybe he should do the right thing and be faithful. Then again with his conflicting feelings, he still thought about the opportunities with other girls he could have. It was as if there were an angel and devil on both his shoulders telling him what to do.

"It's been so long since I've been in one of these." Jia stared around the building in awe, taking in the pungent scent of the fresh buttery popcorn. "Same for me, I'm usually at home watching movies with my sister since I'm forced to." Sunghoon chuckled. "Yeah sure, "forced." She rolled her eyes before laughing at the tall guy. "Come on, we're not missing the movie." Jia grabbed Sunghoon's hand and pulled him along with her over to the concession stand.

"Hi, can we get a large box of popcorn-"

"Jia, how are we eating an entire bag of that?" Sunghoon interrupted staring at the girl with popped eyes as if she were crazy.

"Shhh. What drink do you want?"


"Can we get one Coke and a Sprite as well?"

"Absolutely! That will be $35.92, Here you go."
Jia smiled handing the full amount of cash to the man. The kind employee smiled back before walking off to make the crunchy treat and fill paper cups up with cold soft drinks.

"This is why you sneak in snacks Jia. So you don't have to pay 10 years worth of rent at this place." Sunghoon laughed.

"You're so dramatic! This is a special occasion so it's fine."

"Special, really? He said. "Well it's special to me." She mumbled softly, to where he wasn't able to hear her words.

After securing their items the two happily made their way to the designated theatre to watch their favourite movie they had in common. Which coincidentally began showing in theatres again after years and years for a special week, Back to the Future.

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