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It was now February 14th, the day couples look forward to and singles dread

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It was now February 14th, the day couples look forward to and singles dread. Filled with positive energy throughout the air, along with love, making you feel that fuzzy and warm feeling inside. The day dedicated solely for the appreciation of your significant other.

How nice, huh?

As for Jia, she sat down with her head resting on the back of the bed frame flashing a bittersweet smile. Her phone was held up at an angle in which she'd made sure she would be able to look her best. Along with the natural lighting coming from the wide window in front of her.

"You think I look pretty?" She said in an aegyo-like tone, causing Sunghoon to scoff over the phone before letting out a laugh himself. "Talking like that? Nope."

"Admit it, you know I do." She giggled, tucking a portion of her waved hair behind her ear.

"Yes Jia, you look beautiful." He stated while running his fingers through his soft, straight, hair. "Good cause I spent an hour and a half making myself look presentable."

"Which you didn't need to." He grinned.

"Gosh, you're too perfect, seriously, what did I do to deserve you?" She pouted.

"Exist." He replied causing the two to chuckle in unison.

"So when are you gonna start at your new school? Since you told me you weren't going today." He continued.

"My parents wanted me to settle in the new environment for a bit or whatever, but I start on Monday day though." Jia sighed, stretching out towards the end of her bed, now lying down on her stomach. "I really don't wanna be here right now." She rolled her eyes as they landed upon the few boxes on the floor, containing the rest of her belongings for her bedroom.

"As much as this sucks, you know we can still make this work out, right?" He nodded his head, expecting her to agree, as she did.

"Did you do anything interesting today Hoonie?"

"Hoonie? Where did that come from? You're acting so strange!" He jokingly asked, raising his dark and full eyebrows. "It came out naturally, don't question it!"

"Well, at school Riki thought it would be a good idea to start a food fight in the cafeteria with Jungwon."


"Yeah, and those two idiots got themselves detention." Sunghoon laughed, recounting the incident.

Before the two knew it, they'd spent numerous hours on facetime talking about quite literally anything and everything. Reminiscing on the precious memories they had together, how they developed such a strong and genuine connection in a little less than a year. All while Jia hated the hell out of him before the two started crushing on one another. It all made her realize how much time, effort and dedication would be needed to maintain the newly, long distance relationship.

"Can't I just stay home for the rest of the week?" Jia frowned, stirring the bowl of soggy cereal unenthusiastically. "You had enough time at home Jia, don't you want to meet new people?" Her mom suggested.

"No, I wanna go back to Seoul."

Siyoon dismissed her daughter's words as she told Jia now was the perfect time to finally leave and make her way to school. On the weekend she'd already had the time to walk around the neighborhood and get a general idea of where things were. So it wasn't so much of a challenge in the future. Luckily for her, school was a walking distance away.

On the way to school through the gloomy clouds and cool weather, she pulled out her phone to check out her class schedule which she'd been emailed prior. Making sure she wouldn't look like a lost puppy in the hallways, allowing others to tell right away she was a new student.

Jia finally made it up to her first class of the day, photography.

She paused and took a deep breathe as she stood directly in front of the classroom door to collect herself. "Okay, you can do this Jia." She whispered just before opening the door.

"Oh hello, welcome! I was just mentioning you to the class!" The tall woman exclaimed already recognizing her as the newbie. "Everyone, this is our new student, Jia! Please be a welcoming group of people, especially since she came all the way from Seoul." The woman smiled before turning her attention back to Jia.

"You can sit the middle row next to Hanni." She pointed towards the girl who flashed a kind smile. "Hello!" She slightly bowed while she remained seated at her desk, Jia returning the same gesture.

"How come you moved away from Seoul?" The curious girl asked, practically prying for information out of the girl. Nicely enough, Jia didn't mind too much and answered her questions regardless. "Well, my parents found a better job here in Busan so, they dragged me with them." She awkwardly smiled as she lied straight through her teeth.

"You'll like it here." Hanni smiled, now fiddling with the yellow pencil in the hand.

"You think so?"

"Yeah! I know everything is probably overwhelming but don't worry too much. You can have lunch with my friends and I, how about that?"

Jia was stunned at the instant wave of niceness being thrown at her all of a sudden. Of course she wasn't complaining since this was the ultimate wish for any new kid of at school.

"Really? You've known me for less than a minute and you're already inviting me to sit with you and your friends during lunch?" She chuckled, however feeling somewhat skeptical.

"Well yeah, if that's fine with you. Sorry if I'm being too forward, am I too extroverted?"

"Of course not! But, I just not really used to extroverts since I'm usually around an introvert." Jia frowned as the instant thought of Sunghoon popped into her head.

Gosh, she missed him so much.

"Yeah, I'll join you." Jia smiled.

Without much hesitation at all, Hanni wrote her phone number down onto a small piece of paper she'd ripped off from a previous worksheet for Jia to keep.

Maybe her first day wasn't going to be such a pain after all.

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