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The tall and fair skinned boy, made his way towards the private skating rink

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The tall and fair skinned boy, made his way towards the private skating rink. His profound safe place. Not only did he go there because he was bored on this particular day, it was scorching hot. Summer in South Korea is absolutely no joke so this was a great way to cool down while having fun as well.

As he stepped onto the ice, he wasted no time to begin effortlessly gliding. The cold, crisp air brushing against his cheeks with each stride, twirl and spin. Feeling the icy surface beneath his skates was such a satisfying, pleasant sensation. The sound the blades made carving through the floor echoes throughout the rink. Just adding to what makes figure skating such a magical, calming atmosphere.

After his hour and a half session, he packed up all of his personal items into his backpack and threw it over one of his shoulders. Allowing the other side to hang-down.

Not even five minutes into walking down the street heading back towards his home, he spotted two people who looked familiar. Their backs were facing him and was still quite far away, but he kept his eyes on the two individuals. Filled with curiosity and intrigue, Sunghoon was basically playing a game of memory. Attempting to figure out where he'd seen the same grey shirt with a design of a magic 8 ball on the back. As he squinted still staring at the shirt, he realized one of his friends had the exact one, Heeseung.

Sunghoon made the quick decision to slow down his walking pace to keep a good distance away. Suddenly he heard the girl's voice yell "Heeseung!" In a playful manner as she lightly hit his arm. As the female turned her head to the side, Sunghoon got a better glimpse of her face. "Is that, Bora?" He whispered to himself stopping in his tracks making the other people also on the sidewalk, having to manoeuvre around him.

His heart began to race, his palms got sweaty in pure nervousness. Just the idea of it might being Bora right in front of his eyes, reminded him this could be the chance for him to apologize. But why was she with Heeseung?he thought.

Sunghoon picked up his feet and continued on walking once again but slowly. He grabbed his cellphone from his front pocket and called Heeseung to really make sure he wasn't going completely insane. He saw the boy pull out his phone, look at it and place it back into his pocket, letting it ring rather than declining.

Heeseung and Bora had been quite frequently hanging out since they'd bumped into each other at the store a little over a week ago. Heeseung didn't tell anyone about it however, Bora decided to tell her best friend Jia. Who didn't have the best reaction to say the least.

"Lee Heeseung? Are you fricken mental?!" Jia fumed, as she sat down on the end of Bora's twin sized bed. "Oh my god, calm down please." "He's a player Bora! No! I can't let you be associated with him." She sighed looking at the girl in disbelief who was now sitting next to her. "He's different now." Bora shrugged. "How do you know he isn't texting other girls and hanging around with them? Hmm?" Jia raised her brows while Bora rolled her eyes.

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