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As always the room was so bright

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As always the room was so bright. The white fluorescent lights beaming throughout the cafeteria, probably able to blind someone if they were to look directly at it. Loud muttering of the hundreds of kids scattered around, talking amongst themselves as they enjoy their meals.

At more of the 'isolated' seats in the back, Heeseung and Bora sat across each other for the first time in a while. Rather than being with their own friend groups.

"Okay, so what did you wanna tell me?" Heeseung huffed, already looking uninterested when the conversation has barely even begun.

She was so nervous she picked and pinched the skin around her nails. Leaving some exposed flesh after the fact which felt absolutely painful.

"What happened between us?" Bora finally spoke up, after the words left her mouth she couldn't stand to look at him anymore. She shifted her focus onto the white table in front of her and sighed. "What do you mean?" Heeseung asked, although he kind of already had an idea where this conversation might be going.

Bora loved Heeseung immensely, how could she not? In her eyes he was practically the best boyfriend anyone could have in the whole world. With that, she was just so lucky enough to have him all to herself.

He sacrificed hanging out with his large friend group for her, went on many dates, gave her small gifts from time to time. Most importantly, stopped living up to the title given to him by many students.

"The school's Playboy."

Or so she thought at least.

He did all of that because he cared so much about her.

But their relationship that once had a spark, filled with genuine love and affection became dull. More dull than a pencil can be once it reaches the tip of the wood, becoming flat.

They hung out so much less and talked less. Even when they spoke or did anything together at all, Bora was the one initiating everything!

At least she cared to fix the situation they had going on but the honest truth was that, Heeseung couldn't care less. He acted as if nothing was going on. Continuing with his life as normal. Almost like Bora never existed.

It really hurt her a lot. Many of her days would end with tears rushing down her cheeks as she sobbed into her pillow. Eventually falling asleep whenever, if she did.

No matter how hurt she felt and how upset she was, Bora never said anything once. Some might even call her a bit of a pushover.

But she was afraid.

Afraid of what might happen if she told him anything, which was why it took so long to even have this conversation their having now.

One trigger word might set him off and there's a possibility he may become violent. It wasn't that Heeseung was ever violent before but unfortunately, guys in general sometimes are known to have an 'episode' when being broken up with. She didn't even want to think of what might happen, but she knew he wouldn't ever lay a hand on her. However, it was a lingering thought in the back her mind replaying over and over again.

She instantly felt the tears building up in her eyes, she tried blinking them away but there was no use. "We don't even seem like a couple anymore." Bora finally looked up at him, watching as he stared right back at her.

Everyone knows eyes never lie. You could be saying one thing but your eyes give away your true feelings. She could just sense, just tell, he didn't care. His presence became so much more negative while the air grew thicker.

"I'm not happy with our relationship anymore. I love you so much and I want the best for us, so can we do something about this?"

"Do what?" He replied sternly, almost sounded offended that she wanted to repair their broken connection.

"What do you mean 'what?' Heeseung. You don't want to be with me anymore?" Bora started to feel her heart drop as she spoke. A tear finally came out her eye before she quickly swiped it away.

"Bora. You're an amazing girl and you were so great to be with but, I'm gonna be honest right now, I got bored with you. You're so clingy and I felt like I had no time for myself, it was annoying."


"You wanted the truth right? Would you rather me lie? Hell, I even cheated on you the whole time and was still suffering from you."

"You cheated on me?" There was no point in wipes the tears away, Bora was full on crying, and she wasn't a pretty crier either. So she drew some unwanted attention to their area to say the least.

"Yes, alright. I'm sorry."

The poor girl couldn't say anything back for the life of her. She didn't have it in her. She quickly got up and ran away from the cafeteria, making sure to cover her face to hide the state of it. Her head was pounding and felt like it was spinning. The fact that it was so easy for him to say such things was beyond her.

She wandered off into the hallway and little did she know, someone came running, following her behind.

She propped her back up against the wall and slid down as she sobbed away.

She had never cried so hard since her confession to Sunghoon almost six months ago. Although looking back at it, she cringed at herself since it was so foolish of her to act the way she did, she couldn't help but acknowledge how the same amount her sadness she felt then, she was feeling in this very moment times ten.

Because her cries were so loud and layered on top of any of the other noise around, she didn't her the footsteps that stopped once they reached in front of her as she sat down on the cold, dirty floor.

"Hey, what happened?"

A soft, deep voice called out. Somewhat familiar but she just couldn't put a finger on who it was.

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