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Although there were about 25 students, the room was so silent you could hear the dust particles falling around the biology classroom

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Although there were about 25 students, the room was so silent you could hear the dust particles falling around the biology classroom. As Sunghoon sat in the back of the class, someone else who he'd rather not want to be there, was Jia, who sat adjacent to the boy on his left. Frankly, the two didn't even notice they were in the same classroom until the interaction the two had on Saturday at Bora's party. After that it was pretty clear. Mr. Han decided to give everyone a pop quiz in order to make sure they've been paying attention during lessons. Jia being on her phone 90% of the time, was dumbfounded when she got to the question on her paper that read:

"Explain the structure and function of each of the following organelles." Being the Mitochondria and Nucleus.

She sat in her seat as she sighed. First of all, Jia didn't want to ask Mr. Han any questions because he was the type of teacher who was always miserable. Not only did he never show a smile on his face, he'd constantly tell his students they're failures and quote, "Have fun working at a gas station in the future making $5 an hour."

Jia didn't want to ask the guy to the left of her because he was known to be nothing but clueless in the class! The row in front were also too far ahead so there was no point in trying that. She had no choice but to ask Sunghoon who was on her right. She took a deep breath and shut her eyes to mentally prepare for their brief conversation.

"Psst, Sunghoon."

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows as confusion was plastered onto his face. "What do you want?"  He whispered back.

"Can you help me with number 4?"

"Why would you want my help?" He scoffed, ready to continue writing on his page, when Jia stretched over and smacked him on the hand.

"Ouch! The hell was that for?" 

"Can you shut up? Stop being so loud, you want Mr. Han to come over here?" She whisper-yelled at the boy.

"No! Fine, I'll help you." He shook his head in frustration but proceeded. "The structure of the nucleus has the nuclear envelope, nuclear pores, nucleolus and the chromatin."

"Okay, now the function?"

Sunghoon stopped to take a moment to stare at the girl with a look saying 'are you stupid?'

"What? I don't remember!"

"Jia. It's the simplest thing to remember in a cell, damn you're that stupid? And I thought I was, at this point I'll never doubt myself again."

Her eyes grew in anger but she managed to maintain herself. "Just give me the answer! I swear I'll f-"

"It's basically the brain of the cell. So it controls all of the cells activities, telling the different parts what to do."

"Finally, thanks I guess." Jia couldn't help but cringe at the fact she'd just thanked Sunghoon. She just really hoped she'd never have to speak to him again, so this was definitely a motivation to pay more attention to the lessons.

"Hey, Heeseung!" Do you have notes from our math class on Friday? I wasn't there to take any." A girl almost about the same height as him asked in a high pitched tone. She twirled strands of her hair while staring at the boy with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, I'll just give the papers to you so you can take a picture of the notes with your phone." Heeseung placed his backpack onto the floor of the hallway as he went to search for his notes. As the girl continued to stand in front of him, she leaned up against the bright lockers and sighed dramatically.

"I'm really struggling with this unit we're on right now. I mean, you're pretty smart right? Maybe you can help me out after school Hmm?" Heeseung finally got up and handed the piece of paper to the girl. "Uh yeah, I'm free after school. Where do you want to meet at?"

"I know this café near my house! It's really good and we can go there together. Maybe after we can go to my house? Here's my number so you can call me." The younger girl winked and smiled to herself in satisfaction as if she accomplished a mission.

Little did they both know, Sunghoon was passing around in the same part of the hallway who conveniently stopped to listen in on the conversation at a distance.

"I knew that guy wouldn't change so easily!" Sunghoon whispered to himself in disappointment of his own friend. Although he wasn't too fond of his relationship with Bora, he still had his morals and wanted to put an end to the non sense unfolding before his eyes.

"What's up Heeseung." Sunghoon raised his brows at the two. "Who's this?"

"Oh, uh, that's Yeorin." He answered looking uncomfortable. "Interesting, I need to talk to you." Without giving Heeseung much of a choice, he guided him away from Yeorin to the opposite side of the halls.

"The hell are you doing?" Sunghoon scolded, crossing his arms. "What?" "What happened to Bora? She doesn't exist anymore or?..."

Heeseung fixed his posture to stand up straighter and looked up at Sunghoon sternly. "What's your problem? I can't talk to a girl?"

"Not like that when you have Bora. Really Heeseung? Are you gonna tell her?"

"No, why would I? Don't understand why you care anyways." Sunghoon shook his head but didn't respond.

"Did you actually think I wasn't gonna talk to other girls? Snap back to reality man. I'm talking to a million different girls all at once. I'm surprised I even remembered that one's name." Heeseung nudged the pale boy's shoulder.

"You don't like Bora so I expect you not to go around telling everyone about this. Okay?"

"Whatever." Sunghoon walked away in disbelief in the shameless way his friend practically admitted to being unfaithful to his girlfriend so openly.

All he was thinking was that he should've warned her this whole time.

Even if she hated his guts, the decent thing to do was at least say something.

Weeks after their conversation Sunghoon chose to sit back in silence, watching Heeseung pretend like nothing was going on. Even though It was eating him up inside like a massive storm. As much as he wanted to say something, he honestly feared of the possible consequences. Heeseung not wanting to talk to him anymore, Bora not believing him as she already didn't like him, not wanting to hear another word out of his mouth. Knowing this information left Sunghoon with a heavy weight on his shoulders.  It without a doubt affected his mood and overall behaviour around Heeseung, and the rest of their friends. As they were the only ones who knew.

A/N: voting and following me is appreciated, im active on wp and im here to stayy !! also the drama in this story 💀💀 luv you all btw

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