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As the days and weeks went by, the two love birds were falling even more deeper in love with each other

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As the days and weeks went by, the two love birds were falling even more deeper in love with each other. Which was quite obvious to spot from the outside looking in, the way his eyes glistened looking at his girlfriend. The way he'd unintentionally blink less while staring at her just to not miss a second of her undeniable beauty.

The way his heart always skipped a beat just being in her presence, that's all it took for him to become weak.

The way she'd talk to her friends about him, the friends she grew a deeper connection with once her and Bora stopped communication.

Mentioning the sweet things he'd say to her, the kind gestures she'd constantly receive from him. They were envious, not necessarily in a malicious way, but they admired what she had. How could they not? Love is what all humans strive for, one way or another, it's what everyone wants and deserves.

Knowing that someone wakes up in the morning, already thinking about you and wanting to check up on your wellbeing. Knowing someone feels such a deep connection when around you, they want to become intimate with you, and only you. It's a feeling that's special and should never be taken for granted.

Because of the constant need for love and affection, Bora couldn't help but to stare at the two any chance she got. She didn't stare at them in such a way to be creepy or invasive, it was never like that. She wouldn't even realize she was looking until she caught herself and decided to look away. She missed that feeling she endured with Heeseung.

She missed it so much.

Of course when class ended was when Bora saw it as the perfect opportunity to talk to Sunghoon since firstly, everyone usually rushes out of class. Notably, Heeseung who practically sprints out of class and, who is someone she didn't necessarily want to see her talking with Sunghoon. Whether he cared or not, she didn't want a possible awkward situation to occur. At this point, Heeseung didn't sit up at the front of the classroom anymore, he now sat next to Sunghoon on his left, since they were still pretty much friends.

"Hey Sunghoon." She said with a slight smile as she gripped onto the straps of her backpack.


"How's the essay going? How many words do you have so far?"

The boy sighed before answering since he was completely exhausted getting little to no sleep the night prior. "Uh, like 500, I didn't even get halfway through the book so i'm just going off of what I read."

At this point, Sunghoon and Bora's relationship had gotten significantly better and the two talk casually from time to time. Jia completely aware, couldn't care less as long as Bora doesn't step out of line with Sunghoon of course.

"I'm almost done mine, also it's due next week just to remind you." She said flashing her signature smile once again.

This time, she noticed for a split second the guy glanced at her lips for a brief moment, before shifting focus back up to her bright eyes. The instant feeling in her stomach was complete butterflies, it reminded her of Heeseung all over again but she tried her best to maintain herself without making it obvious to what she saw.

"Yeah, thanks. Bye." He returned a smile before leaving the girl a confused mess.

"I need a boyfriend! I can't stand being single for any longer especially when my parents keep pestering me about it." Min Danyi, one of Jia's friend's whined before placing a spoonful of Miso soup into her mouth.

"When the time is right it'll happen, be patient." Lee Joae added in, another member of the friend group. "That's easy for you to say, you don't even want a boyfriend!"

"Why have one guy when I can have multiple? She shrugged taking a sip of water whilst Jia shook her head in disapproval.

"Jia, I dont understand, how do you not feel a certain way knowing Bora talks to Sunghoon sometimes?" Danyi asked, genuinely wondering  about the situation which has been on her mind for a hot minute.

"I'm not a jealous person, you guys know that. At the end of the day, I know it's me who he cares about the most, I'm who he loves. So there's nothing for me to worry about, he can talk to anyone for all I care."

"Ugh, I wish I could live with that mindset." Danyi pouted, making Jia laugh.

"You wanna know how to get a boyfriend? Maybe try not to be so closed off when people want to get to know you."

"What? I'm not like that!"

Jia and Joae side-eyed each other before looking back at their friend which made them burst into laughter.

"Okay then....I don't it on purpose, I don't really know why I do it in the first place actually. I guess it's a defence mechanism or something."

"What are you defending yourself from?" Jia asked.

"I don't know, possibly getting hurt?"

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