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The day began as a normal Sunday would

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The day began as a normal Sunday would. Nothing seemed off, there wasn't any sort of tension in the air whatsoever. It was all completely normal. Until Jia and Ji-han were called into the living room so the family could discuss a 'serious matter', as their father called it. Instantly Jia could sense something strange by tried her best to fight the feeling.

"What did you guys wanna tell us?" Jia asked, frowning her eyebrows at both of her parents as they sat on the couch opposite to the siblings. She turned to her brother expecting a word out of him, just to receive a shrug from a just as confused boy.

"For a couple of months, your mother and I have been struggling to pay the rent in our apartment." Their father finally spoke up. Jia sighed, her biggest fear turned out to be true. The girl tried her best to maintain her composure and continued to listen. "Your mother even made an effort to find another job to see if that would help our situation, which in the end, didn't work out."

Their mother Siyoon looked at her husband with much sorrow before speaking up to add on to the conversation. "We've made the decision to move to another city since the rent here has gotten way too high for us to pay regularly."  The poor woman's eyes began to tear up towards the end of her sentence as she stared at her children.

"What?" Ji-han asked as if he didn't hear correctly the first time. "We have to move honey. I'm sorry, we didn't want to it be like this but we really have no choice." His father, Jihoo spoke up again as he hung his head down in shame. Jia still sat in silence, almost as if she went into complete shock, disassociating herself from what was currently happening in the moment. Although she didn't verbally say anything, her eyes said enough.

"What about our friends?" Her brother questioned once again, swiping his face with his hands looking increasingly more stressed.

"We can't move." Jia finally said, feeling like her heart fell right through her chest.

"Jia, we have to we can't pa-"

"No dad. You don't understand, we can't move!" She started to shed tears that seemed everlasting, her face became more and more red the longer she went on. "I can't leave Sunghoon. Please guys, don't do this to me!" She blurred out. Siyoon got up from the couch she previously sat at, making her way over to her daughter, embracing her as Jia's sobs deepened into her shoulder.

"I can't leave Sunghoon." She exclaimed once more as she sniffled through her wet face while practically hyperventilating. "You can still talk to him, no?"

"Yeah, but on the phone." She rolled her eyes, pulling away from her mother. "But it's not the same, I need to see him in person."

"Jia, You need to understand we didn't want to do this. We really didn't want to do this. The both of us put into consideration that you and your brother have found many friends, and people who care about you here, and that's great. We didn't want to take that away from you but we can't pay our rent anymore, it's just not possible."

Jia slowly nodded before slouching down into the couch to close her eyes.

"It's a dream."

"It's a dream."

"Calm down, it's just a dream."

"Nothing's real, nothing's real."

"We need to start packing today alright? We have to be out of here on Tuesday so please go now, the both of you. Don't waste any time." Jihoo told his children before getting up, about to do the same as well.

All Jia could think about the entire morning was how would she break the news to Sunghoon. It bothered her so much she didn't eat or drink anything for breakfast. There was no appetite after all. She felt as though her whole life fell apart, there was absolutely no purpose being on planet earth anymore.

She didn't have much luck with falling asleep either, as she spent countless hours staring at her bedroom ceiling, just thinking. Thinking about how horrible, depressing and meaningless her life would end up being without Sunghoon.

On the way to school she decided to text her boyfriend to meet her at the soccer field located at the back of the school during lunch.

She sat down in a cross-cross position on the spiky green grass taking in the surrounding view. Jia quietly continued to simultaneously sip on her small box of chocolate milk while zoning out into the distance, holding onto the straw. She was so out of it, Jia didn't even realize the tall figure lowering himself down to sit next to her.

"What's up? You okay?" He smiled but couldn't help noticing her discomforting demeanour. Jia sighed getting ready to mentally prepare herself for what she was about to say.

"Sunghoon I need to talk to you about something." She eventually turned towards his face. "You're scaring me, why are you looking at me like that? What happened?"

"Sunghoon." She said again solely just to stall more time.

"I'm moving."

"Moving?" He repeated.

"My parents told my brother and I yesterday they've been struggling to pay rent for the past couple of months." Jia placed down the now empty milk container to burry her head in her hands.

"Wait, what do you mean moving? You're not moving that far right?"

She lifted her head up to reveal the drops pouring down her cheeks as her eyes turned red and became puffy. Jia wiped her face just to put her head down again.

"I'm moving to Busan."

"No, no you're not. Stop messing with me." He said, basically trying to gaslight himself but there was no use. "I am. I'm leaving tomorrow Sunghoon."

"Are you serious? The moment I can finally say I genuinely fell in love with someone this is what happens?" He gently shook his head with the water inching to drip away from his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." She whimpered, still not having the courage to look up, she felt his arm wrap around her body making the girl feel somewhat cozy.

A few moments after, she made the move to make eye contact with Sunghoon as she watched him break down right in front of her face.

She'd never even seen him cry before, not even a single tear. But today was completely different.

She watched as his breath became more ridged and uneven my the second. Whilst being interrupted with the constant gasps for air. His grip around her torso tightened which made her cry just as hard as he was. Although the duo might've looked insane to others around the area, they didn't care. Not one bit, that wasn't even something that came around their minds at some point. They only focused on each other like no one else in the world existed. It was just Sunghoon and Jia.

And just like that, Monday, February 12th was the last time the two saw each other in person. However, they did make an effort to talk with one another on the phone during all hours of the night. Neither one of them wanted to hang up, neither one of them wanted to be the first one to hang up that call, it wasn't like they couldn't call each other again. Phone calls are unlimited. Facetimes, even better. But after that point, it would never be the same again.

A/N: So I full on cried while writing this LOL um... do not listen to the song "Gilded Lily" by Cults while reading this, you will sob, this is your warning!!! Once again thank you for reading this far, please look forward to the next chapters <3 thank you for 1k + reads i genuinely appreciate it all.

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