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Nothing too interesting had happened throughout the day

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Nothing too interesting had happened throughout the day. Just the same old, same old. Now it was the end of school and students were flocking to escape the prison otherwise known as school. Sunghoon had been quite fast to exit the building so he was standing outside waiting for his friends, posted up against the brick wall.

"These guys take so long for no reason." He sighed, running his hand through his hair to clear his vision. Suddenly he heard rapid foot steps coming towards him. It didn't sound like running but rather, speed walking.

"Hey." A serious voice called out. He looked around to see out of all people it was Shin Bora. "What do you want?" He raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Do you hate me?" She ranted. Moving up closer to him with a confused rather than upset look on her face. "I barley know you." He replied looking in the other direction, avoiding eye contact, whilst using his hand to cover his face from the beaming sun. "How can I hate someone I barely know?"

Bora crossed her arms. "I'm getting the feeling of otherwise."

"Okay then. We all have the right to our own opinion but I'll say it again. I don't hate you." He shrugged before placing his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

It was bothering Bora that Sunghoon was acting the way he was. She wasn't so upset or emotional enough to cry or anything but, she at least wanted some answers. Some insight on his life at least. One thing Bora hated was being on bad terms with anyone. She didn't like feeling of tension, it killed her inside. She didn't have to get along with everyone necessarily but at least be cordial.

"Is that your girlfriend?" A voiced teasingly yelled, both Bora and Sunghoon whipped their heads to see a smirking Heeseung. "Oh god.."

Sunghoon whispered to himself. Bora tried her best to hide the smile on her face, if she didn't, she'd look like a red tomato. The boy walked away from Bora and made his way towards his friends. "Bye!" She shouted to him as she continued her trip home.

"She's not my girlfriend and you know that. Unlike you, being seen with half of the female population at school." Sunghoon lightly hit Heeseung on the shoulder. "Then why were you talking to her then, hmm?" Riki teased.

"Yeah, and the way she said bye, tells me something's going on here." Sunoo added, laughing along with the youngest.

"You are all delusional. Can we stop standing here now? I wanna go home."

After a few steps of walking, another question was thrown at Sunghoon. "What were you guys talking about then?" Jay asked, walking next to Sunghoon with his hands still in his pockets.

"Nothing interesting. She asked why I hate her." Jay couldn't help but side eye the boy. "I wonder why she'd do such thing?" He said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sunghoon. You act like you hate everyone." He laughed. "She just had the courage to ask you about it unlike everyone else."

Sitting at the desk in his room. As much as he didn't want to admit it to himself, ever since his little interaction with Bora, he couldn't get her out of his head. He hated it. He groaned in annoyance, glanced at his phone which was on the table and looked at the time. Because it was only 5pm, he thought he had enough time, so Sunghoon decided to go the skating rink. Just to take his mind off of things. Skating was his first love after all. In fact, he used to skate competitively but stopped when he was 16. However, you'd still catch him at the rink now and then, he couldn't let the sport go for good. That would be impossible.

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