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She walked as fast as she could, speeding her way through the halls and outside

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She walked as fast as she could, speeding her way through the halls and outside. Clutching onto her backpack as hard as she could to make sure it wasn't going to fall off her shoulder in the process.

Why was Jia practically running away?

Well, it was to avoid Shin Bora of course.

Someone who she quite literally convinced to enroll into Sae-Jung High in order to see and spend more time with her. But Heeseung was all she could talk about over and over again. Although it's dramatic, it was killing her inside. It was almost as if dating Heeseung is what made Bora unbearable. It also didn't help that dodging Bora was even MORE of a challenge. The questions kept rolling in one after the other.

"Where've you been?"

"Why can't we hang out today?"

"Are you sure you're okay? What happened?"

I mean, you can only come up with so many excuses right? So the best way to not have to deal with Bora interrogating her was to run from it.

Just when Jia thought she was in the clear, a loud and now obnoxious voice called out her name. Instinctively, she turned around to see it was the one and only Bora.

"Jia! Oh my goodness, I've been looking for you everywhere today!" The girl rushed towards Jia, smothering her into a hug while the other maintained an uncomfortable face as if it were a stranger touching her. "Oh really?" Jia laughed awkwardly. "Well you found me now." She continued in a tone that was obvious she wasn't fond of being spotted. Without saying anything Jia proceeded to walk away from Bora like she wasn't even there to begin with. About two meters apart, Bora came running back over once again.

"Wait, Jia!" She caught up to her, holding onto her shoulder as a way to catch her breath. "What Bora?" "Why, why haven't you been hanging around Heeseung and I anymore? Or really just, me in general? Did I do something wrong?"

For a moment, a wave of guilt came upon Jia before soon after snapping out of it.

"I told you, I've been eating lunch with other friends." She shrugged as she continued walking once again while Bora followed like a lost puppy. "Oh come on! You say the same thing all the time, always so vague. Who have you been hanging out with?" Bora questioned, trying to make eye contact with Jia but she avoided her friend's eyes as much as possible. Jia stayed silent for a good thirty seconds as she kept walking like nothing was going on. All while in her head she was wondering whether or not to finally express her true feelings, rather than being two-faced.

Until her decision was finally made. It was time.

"Bora, you wanna know who I've been with most of the time for the past couple of months?"

"Yes, go on, tell me." Jia took a deep breath in whilst closing her eyes, mentally preparing herself for what was about to happen. "I've been hanging out with Sunghoon." Bora's face dropped before she scrunched her eyebrows together and letting out an hysterical laugh. "Yeah right! Like you'd even talk to him! Now tell me who it really is." Jia stopped in her tracks to look Bora dead in the eyes to show that's she's being serious.

"I'm not kidding. I've been with Sunghoon the entire time." Jia's tone this time was all it took for Bora to realize that she wasn't messing around. It was was cold-hearted truth. Although she believed the words coming out of her mouth, she really did try to gaslight herself that it all wasn't real.

"Ha ha, very funny. Come on, wanna come to my house for a little my mom can make us-" "Bora cut it out!" Jia yelled, unintentionally drawing the attention of others happening to pass by. "I'm being for real. I started talking to Sunghoon in one of my classes and naturally we talked more and more. If I'm going to be completely honest right now, I'd consider him more of a friend to me than you."

Bora's chest began to ache, as if someone was applying a large amount of pressure onto her heart. Her vision blurred due to the tears filling up in her eyes, just moments before falling down her cheeks.

It was like the most painful punch to the gut anyone could ever experience in their life. She felt absolutely betrayed. Her mind moving a million miles per hour, questioning and wondering how she could've had so much trust for Jia. How could she let herself be associated with a horrible person like this? Being friends with someone who made her feel the most embarrassed she's ever felt in her life. Not only that,  but made her feel worthless, unloved, unwanted. Sunghoon messed her up pretty bad and for Jia to know this and still talk to him regardless was the worst feeling in the world. Bora took a step forward almost about to say something as the tears continued to rush down her face. 

"You've got to be kidding me!" Jia rolled her eyes, stepping up towards Bora with crossed arms as she shook her head in disbelief. "Don't you think it's about time you get over it? It's been months, god Bora, are you really that stubborn? Just let it go! Sunghoon apologized already what more could you want?!" Bora remained silent, turned away and sobbed as she walked in the complete opposite direction.

As Bora walked away while crying, ironically she unknowingly past Sunghoon who was walking with his group of friends towards where Jia was. Heeseung's eyes widened at the state of his girlfriend. With an arm around her shoulders to comfort her, he continued away with her leaving the rest of his friends behind.

"What happened here? Riki asked, side eyeing Sunoo, making a face which clearly showed he wasn't taking the situation he saw for a brief second too seriously. Sunghoon walked up to Jia who was still staring into the distance as Bora and her boyfriend disappeared further away. "Jia, what happened?" He asked in such a calm tone, making her feel a little better about herself from what just occurred. Sunghoon's friends stood behind awkwardly as they all eavesdropped in on their conversation which wasn't really discreet anyways. "I told Bora about us. We're not friends anymore." Jia sighed.

"ABOUT US? WHAT THE HELL DID WE MISS?" Jake exclaimed with a dropped jaw as he turned to Jay who had the same dramatic facial expression. Sunghoon ignoring the surprised reactions behind, brought in Jia for a hug as he reassured the girl everything was going to be okay. "You said you weren't happy being her friends anymore right? You did the right this Jia, don't beat yourself up for it. It's better you did that than to be fake, pretending that you like her."

"What is happening... is life even real right now?" Jungwon rubbed his eyes and blinked multiple times to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Wanna talk about it?" Sunghoon asked, finally pulling Jia away from the hug but kept a gentle grip onto the sides of her arms. "Sure, I'll call you or something. Is that alright?" She asked flashing a weak smile at the boy. "Yeah, I'll talk to you later. Bye Jia." He waved to the girl as she continued her way home before returning to his stunned friends, staring at him as if he committed a crime in broad daylight.

"You gonna explain that or what?" Jay spoke up. "Uh...maybe later."

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