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Sunghoon got out of bed at the speed of light

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Sunghoon got out of bed at the speed of light. Usually it'd take him the alarm on his phone, plus his sister Yeji beating him up with a pillow to wake him up out of his deep sleep. Today was completely different, it freaked his parents out.

"Sunghoon, is everything okay with you?" His mother asked with a concerned tone to her voice as she looked at her son in pure confusion.

"What? I'm fine mom. Why wouldn't I be?" he shrugged off as he went over to the pantry door to take out cereal for him to eat.

"It's 7 o'clock in the morning, you know that right? Did you all of a sudden forget school starts at 9? Your sister isn't even awake right now!"

"No, i'm fully aware, shouldn't you be happy I'm awake early?" He raised his brows nonchalantly.

She looked at her son as she squinted her eyes. Obviously she knew something was up, I mean, it's the mother instinct after all. She remained silent instead of questioning Sunghoon any further.

The reason Sunghoon decided to fly out of bed on this particular day, was because it was the day Jia would be returning from her two week trip at Jeju Island. The facetime calls and text messages weren't enough, they would never compare to actually seeing Jia in person, wouldn't even come close. For the entire morning his heart was beating out of his chest in excitement.

The plan was for him to arrive at school at least 15 minutes earlier so he could have a chance to hang out with Jia for a little until first period would start. Sunghoon being absolutely determined, practically ran outside his house to make an attempt to catch the first bus that would take him to school.

"Where is she, where is she?" The boy whispered to himself as he simultaneously checked his watch while constantly looking left and right for the girl of his dreams to finally appear in his vision once again. Although it was December and quite cold outside, he didn't care, if it meant seeing Jia, he'd do anything in a heartbeat.

After another three minutes passed, a shorter girl came dashing towards him, her arms were already spread out ready for a hug from Sunghoon. She ran with a bright smile on her face not caring about whoever was staring. Jia did her best to wrap her arms around Sunghoon's body with the thick white winter jacket she wore. Because of how fast she ran towards him, their bodies jolted causing them to slightly rock back and forth.

"I missed you so much Sunghoon!" She exclaimed as a wide smile grew across her face, a natural tint of blush appeared since the temperature outside was below zero. Sunghoon thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"You won't believe how excited I was to see you." He laughed, fixing her hair by tucking the strands in front of her face, behind her ears.

"Really?" She smirked.

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