Author's Note {BYR}

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Hellooo! I'm Brown (ignorantfirework now, 0ffdianaa previously), the author, and it's an absolute pleasure having you here checking my page and works. I appreciate your for the chance :D

This is my first fanfiction ever. It's self-insert and an Harry Styles one. It is based on a fake scenario I had where he calls me on stage (spoiler alert ;) ) and my need of going a little deeper with it. I felt like I could not let in in discard.

It is supposed to be a real life Harry, mainly meaning the famous artist he is. So I try my best to represent his personality like I think it is, although please have in mind this is purely fiction. And believe me, he would never do some of the things you are about to experience, in real life...

That also applies to all the other characters; either the ones entirely created by me, or those who are Harry's actual friends and family. I also try my best in terms of fans and paparazzi, and the reactions of the media in general, as the events of our story take course.

Besides music and love, this book also contains a few sexual references and lots of insecurities, some of them leading to the committing of crimes and blood.

Something very important is how I know the first chapters suck. So all I ask you is to not give up just yet, because I swear it gets so much better from, at least, the ninth chapter on. For now they're the best I can do. And they're short easy reading so it won't take you too much effort to get through them :') I know you can do it and I'm sure you won't regret it.

I would even appreciate if you told me how you think I could improve them. And, as any author, I'd love to read comments and opinions, and receive votes and be added to reading lists. But that's up to you, of course.

I think that's all, my lovies. If you have any kind of question I'm always here for you, so talk to me <3

Well, I hope you enjoy.
I'm sorry for anything.
And thank you for being here.


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