~Chapter 1~

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"Ladies and gentlemen it's quite simple. You all shut the fũck up and keep your heads down and you'll be free to continue your night!" The aggressive masked gunman stated in a matter of fact tone waving his firearm around.

All she could see were his pupils – they seemed wild and out of control. He was pacing back and forth along the bar counter, almost unsure of his next move.

Adriana took a deep silent breath from behind the bar. Not again, she thought to herself scared and also a slight hint of annoyance deep within her thoughts. This was the second time this month the bar had been held up and she didn't want to get fired or killed for that matter. She needed this job desperately and having this happen twice on her watch was unacceptable in her eyes.

"Listen bĩtch" the wild gunman stated abruptly ripping her from her deep thoughts, "hurry the fũck up with the money, I want it all in the bag!" She nodded obediently still looking into his eyes in an attempt to recognise him. "STOP FŨCKING LOOKING AT ME!"
He violently slammed his free fist onto the bar top making her and some of the customers jump in shock.

Now is my chance, she thought dropping a few of the fifty dollar bills onto the floor her side of the bar.
"I'm sorry, can I pick those up?"

He looked at her with mixed emotions – rage and annoyance mostly.
"Of course bĩtch! Pick up my fũcking money before I fũck that pretty face up with a bullet!"

"Leave her alone!" One of the men called out clearly having enough of the vulgarity being used towards Adriana. Within that split second the gunman spun around towards the voice allowing Adriana enough time to grab her hand gun and point it towards the gunman.

"I think you better toss that gun aside before I fũck up your face asshole."

"Fũcking bĩtch" is all he muttered before placing his gun on the counter, "you have no idea who you're dealing with." His tone was still threatening even though he was now the one unarmed.

"Someone call the police!" Adriana called out to anyone who would listen at this point; she refused to take her eyes off this maniac.
In all honesty, she had no clue how to work this gun, it wasn't even loaded - if the gunman wasn't so high on drugs he would have figured it out. The last time this happened to her she became so frightened she registered for a gun licence, she was too nervous to actually purchase any bullets though. She had no idea how to use the weapon and really only carried it around in case she needed to scare someone off. Like this particular gunman.

"Everyone make your way out quickly" Adriana instructed as all the customers muttered words of panic and relief to each other before quickly making their way out the doors and onto the street.
She had no intention of apprehending the gunman, she simply wanted to get out of the bar herself.
Once she finally mustered up enough courage she began to slowly side step her way out from behind the bar whilst still pointing the gun directly at the gunman himself. She was almost at the front door when it was very violently kicked open by NYPD officers. Instantly she reacted spinning around in shock now pointing the weapon straight at the middle officer while other officers from the left and right of him swarmed to her sides and brought her down almost effortlessly hard onto the ground.

"Get her out of here!" The lead officer yelled out in rage. "Cuff her and take her in."

"What?" Panic escaped Adriana's mouth, "but I work-" she tried to explain as two officers twisted her arms back and securely clasped the cuffs.

"You're under arrest! You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?"

"No you don't understand! The gunman he-" Adriana was cut off again as they dragged her outside and into a police car. The entire scene gave the gunman ample time to escape quickly through the back bar door.


"Listen kid, it's in your best interests to step down now and get the fũck outta here while I'm still in a forgiving mood." Salvatore Abandonato's words were calm and cold for someone who had multiple guns pointed towards him and his crew.

"Keep your hands up!"

"Trust me kid you don't want to play it that way, you might get outta here with the money tonight but mark my words, I will find you and kill you. Is this money really worth all of your lives?"

One of the men chuckled and smirked at Salvatore, "it's a fũck load of money Mr. Abandonato and your threats are empty."

"Fũcking idiot shut up!" One of the men who seemed to be in the leadership position of this clearly organised attack bit back at his associate.

Salvatore smiled cheekily before chiming in, "ah so you do know who I am then - all you kids just lost all your bargaining power for when I find you. You have just confirmed this wasn't an innocent mistake earning yourselves a merciless kill shot. I'd enjoy every last cent of that cash boys, your days are numbered."

Within a minute all the cash was hastily collected by two of the members who were frantically shoving as much cash as possible into light brown pillow cases. They were clearly amateurs in this sort of thing. The way they held and pointed their guns gave it away instantly. Some of them held it sideways like gangsters in the movies, Salvatore could not stand that, it disgusted him to treat a gun with such disrespect.

The moment the door shut behind the last gunman all the men quickly rose to their feet - some of them so quickly knocking their chairs to the ground behind them.

"WHERE DID THEY GO?!" Salvatore screamed violently the moment they stumbled out the side door into the alley way. They rapidly ran a few meters towards the street hearing the high pitch screeching of a car disappearing into the night.

"Watch it!"

Salvatore looked at the drunken man who seemed to purposely run into him during the frenzy. "Where did they go?" He demanded now grabbing the man by his shirt. His fists were clamped so tightly his knuckles were turning white. He clenched his teeth together and shook the man furiously. "ARE YOU DEAF?"

"Buddy, I don't know what you're talking about!"

It was too late, Salvatore lost it as he began to pound relentlessly into the man's face causing him to lose his balance and end up laying on the cold dirty New York sidewalk.

"STOP PLEASE STOP! POLICE HELP!" The woman he was with screamed pleading with Salvatore who seemed unfazed by her begging. It wasn't until nearby officers pulled Salvatore off the man and cuffed him that he ceased his sudden outburst.

Silence in New York - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now