~Chapter 34~

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The minute of silence which brewed between the pair seemed like a half hour of silence. Adriana stared at Salvatore who remained near the door which he just slammed in the officer's faces. She watched him finally take a step towards her to which without even thinking about it she took a step back. She studied the confused look on his face as he proceeded to take another step towards her to which she responded once again stepping back.

"What's happening right now?" Salvatore queried stopping his movements.

"What did you do?" Adriana responded back with a question of her own. She didn't dare to take her eyes off him; she wanted him to look her in the eyes for this conversation.
She watched Salvatore open his mouth to respond but quickly cut him off, "please don't lie to me Salvo."

"Nothing" he responded barely taking a second to consider his answer. He quickly walked towards her taking her by the wrist and pulling her into him so her front was pressed up against his firm chest. Don't push away from me now. He tilted her chin up attempting to take her lips for another passionate encounter but he felt her push away abruptly.

"No!" Adriana pulled her captured wrist out of his gip, once free she pushed on his chest forcing him a step back from her. "You can't do this Salvo!" She threw her hands up in the air then ran them through her hair frustrated. "You can't kiss me and pretend none of that happened. What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Salvatore repeated pointing to himself as if amused by her question. "I'm starting to think you'll come up with any excuse not to be with me Adriana."

"How dare you!" She screamed back at him. "You use your body to distract me Salvo! That's not fair!" For a moment she covered her face with her hands as if thinking of what to say next. Slowly she brought them back down to her side and took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. She didn't want to yell and scream and drive him away, but he was making it impossible for her to fully trust him. "Did you hurt that guy?" She finally asked even though she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer.

"No" I just put him to sleep. Salvatore thought to himself trying to justify the situation in his mind. She doesn't need to know. It's dangerous if she knows anything...

Adriana sighed as she slumped her body onto the couch. She had no idea how to deal with her frustrated feelings towards him. With one hand she just wanted him to come clean, with the other, she wasn't sure if she would scream the apartment complex down if he did. "Why won't you trust me?" She felt the spot of the couch dip beside her as he sat next to her.

"The more you know, the worse it is for you." Salvatore found himself replying as he moved across to take her hand in his. "Adriana-"

"So you did do something then?" She pulled her hand away turning her body to face him.

"No I didn't" he insisted trying his hardest to not show his annoyance.

"Did you organise for someone else to hurt him?"

"For fũck sakes!" Salvatore stood up off the couch angrily. He began to pace back and forth in front of her trying to come up with the words he wanted to say to her. Keep your cool Salvo; keep your fũcking cool...

"Would it be so fũcking hard for you to let me love you?" He asked suddenly stopping in front of her. "Here I am Adriana, in your apartment. Having dinner with you! I'm constantly following you around, making sure you're ok!" He grabbed her hand yanking her up forcefully taking her head in his hands forcing her to look at him. "Everything I've done the last few months has been for you, why can't you just let me in? All you want to do is find a fũcking reason to fight me. Stop fighting me Adriana!"

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