~Chapter 36~

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"Make the call." Mike placed Adriana's cell phone on her thighs waiting for her to pick it up and follow his instructions. He watched her head dip down to look at it then her eyes trailed back to him as he motioned with the gun towards it. "Be a good girl Adriana, and make the fũcking call. Invite your fũcking boyfriend over."

"It's late" she responded knowing damn well the excuse was ridiculous and there was no way that realisation was going to change his mind in any way. She watched Mike throw his head back and chuckle at her reply. She was right, he was not buying it.

He dropped to his knees and shuffled towards her casually placing the tip of the gun downwards onto her thigh resting it over her jeans. "Call your boyfriend" he pressed the gun harder into her, "he'll come over for a booty call with you... I'm certain" his eyes wondered her body lingering a little too long at her breasts. His free hand now roaming the curves of her body slowly making her squirm.

"We-we don't do that. Please. Stop."

"Don't you?" He queried not really interested in an answer. "Why not?" His free hand now making its way up the side of her body lingering to palm the side of her breast, his thumb hooking itself under the spaghetti strap of her top sliding it half way down her shoulder. At the same time he moved the gun up her thigh and between her legs pressing it at her most intimate area.

"Please." Adriana closed her eyes not wanting to see the man in front of her. This was not the same man that flirted with her at work. Offered her a ride on numerous occasions. Had movie nights with her in this very same apartment. How could she have been so nieve to think Mike was becoming a friend to her.
She gasped feeling the tip of the gun press into her inappropriately. "Mike please. Don't."

"You've been flirting with me for a long time Adriana," he further pressed the gun into her forcefully getting rougher and rougher with his actions. "Now I know why. You haven't been getting what you need from Salvatore have you?" He smiled feeling her shaking beneath his touch, the uncomfortable sound of her whimpering each time he pressed the gun harder against the fabric of her jeans. "How about before you make that phone call..." His voice trailed off as his free hand pushed itself between the gun and her jeans and he pulled her zipper down in one swift movement.

Just as swift as his movement, Adriana shot to her feet throwing all her body weight into her arms and pushing Mike straight off her. She watched him lose his balance from his knees and topple backwards onto the floor still managing to keep the gun in hand. She hadn't planned on taking on yet another gunman in her life yet here she was, fighting for her life.
She took off towards the front door calling out for help only to suddenly hit the floor with great force. His right hand was tightly gripped around the base of her right ankle. "Puttana," (bĩtch/whõre) she heard him mutter under his breath as she lay still on the floor confused as to why she had stopped moving.

"Stay awake!" Mike roared watching her eyes fly open from the shock of his voice. "You're a fũcking stupid little thing aren't you?" He continued with the rhetorical questions expertly tying her ankles to the legs of the chair. He reached for more rope within his briefcase to work on tying her hands together and completely behind the chair. "You knocked yourself out you stupid girl." He watched her thrash against the ropes in a pathetic attempt to free herself. Mike smirked turning his back to her walking away in search for her cell phone. He had heard it hit the floor when she shot up to run. "Knock over your chair and I won't pick you up again!" He threatened from afar.

"Let me go!" Adriana complained pulling against her restraints when he began walking towards her once again with the cell phone promptly in hand. "I won't call him," she shook her head slightly until realising she was in a lot of pain and stopping immediately.

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