~Chapter 21~

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Hi there lovely people =)

I need to post a warning about this chapter... This one for me has been a little difficult, I've been playing around with it for 2 days wondering if I'm making the right decision. So I edited, and edited and then edited some more, then deleted and then re added scenes and oh boy!

SO, I made the decision to finally cut out the description on what 'suggestively' happens in the last scene, so it's shorter than originally planned but still over 2000 words! I deemed it unnecessary yet it still had to happen for my story line because well, that's just the way my story goes!

I think I made the right decision, but you just never know! I mean with all the people in the world I can't see us all having the same opinions!

Even though I edited out the real mature scene I deem this chapter still inappropriate for under the age of 18. Suggestive themes are still present after all.

With that please enjoy xXx

The Don of the Gentile family sat silently at the back of a store in little Italy. He held his thick Cuban cigar to his lips taking in long draws then exhaling the bitter smoke slowly. He normally would not meet with his NYPD informant Ben O'Conner, but today he was feeling daring and adventurous. It had been a while since he had left his mansion and mingled with what he would describe as, the commoners in New York City.

Ben sipped on his cappuccino and waited for the Don to address him, he would not dare instigate a conversation with the Don, he knew better than that. The Don cleared his throat and whispered something to his consigliere before turning his attention to Ben.

"Allora (So)... You have been watching the girl I hear?"

"Adriana yes" Ben replied politely taking another nervous sip and wiping his mouth with a napkin. "When she left with Salvatore that night I thought it would be best to keep tabs on her"


"And it doesn't seem to be working out for her and Salvatore. They have crossed paths in the last few weeks but only briefly. Mr Gentile, there is something though"

"Hmm?" The Don casually stirred his espresso, the clinking sound of the teaspoon hitting the insides of the espresso cup seemed so loud in such a quiet environment. It was making Ben ever so nervous. "Luca Genovese, he's always with her, almost daily Mr Gentile. I've noticed that he's formed quite a habit of it"

"A habit you say?" Ben nodded now reaching for his glass of water. "Yes a habit, one where I can plot out for you a pretty accurate time line"

"I see" The Don's consigliere muttered something to his boss and he nodded acknowledging him. "So you're very confident then Ben?" The Don picked up the plate of pastries urging them towards Ben with a smile, "try the cannoli, these are the best cannoli in New York. Besides my wife's of course" Ben smiled reaching for the Italian pastry even though he was so nervous the last thing he was thinking of was food. He knew better than to refuse the Don though.


BANG BANG BANG BANG! The harsh banging on Jason Parkers apartment door was enough to wake up the entire complex. He groaned angrily once he realised it was indeed coming from his door. The white sheets shifted next to him making him realise there was a woman in his bed. She was face down laying on her flat stomach groaning when the sound of knocking filled the apartment. "Who is that?" She moaned snaking her hand up to hold her pounding head. They had drunk a lot last night and now she was waking up in a strangers bed with a less than satisfactory wakeup call. Jason smiled when she sat up revealing herself, she was much more beautiful than he remembered. Her long thick brown hair with golden highlights cascaded around her shoulders, the ends of her hair lightly brushing over her bare nipples. Jason could not help but stare and he was not even hiding it. She surprised him by leaning in to kiss his chest, there was no way she was going to kiss his lips prior to a rendezvous with a toothbrush, so she let her tongue lightly graze his nipple teasingly.

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