~Chapter 14~

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Ok so I wasn't supposed to post this tonight, I was saving it... BUT I couldn't resist, I wanted to reward my readers with more of Salvatore & Adriana ;)

"This is right" he whispered gently caressing her cheek bringing her further into the kiss. His tongue stroked hers sensually as his right hand plunged up her skirt and over her panties feeling her slightly damp heat. Almost immediately she flinched grabbing hold of his wrist and breaking the kiss. She was panting and breathless. "I-I can't, I'm not ready I'm sorry". He caressed her cheek again taking her lips once more before sliding her panties down slightly. "No" she protested giving him a slight push with the palm of her right hand, "I just need more time"

"You want me, you're wet I can feel it"

"I just need more-" he cut her off turning her around abruptly and shoving her over the arm rest of the couch. It caught her by surprise as she winced in pain having the air forced out of her from the sudden impact to her stomach. She thought she imagined it when she heard the sound of a zipper being lowered quite quickly. As she attempted to get back up he pushed her down again face first and forced himself into her from behind as she screamed out first in pain and then for help. He muffled her cries forcing her face into the pillow while leaning over her kissing her right shoulder. "You wanted this Adriana... You fũcking wanted it".

Adriana awoke suddenly launching herself upright in her bed. "Oh God" she panted out in a panic until she realised she was in her room alone and it was only a horrible nightmare. A nightmare which every now and then still haunted her to this day. As much as she would try to forget what Jason did to her that night, he still found way to torture her in her sleep when she would least expect it.

She took a deep breath in order to calm herself down before getting up to get ready for work. She was grateful for a work distraction, the last thing she wanted was to stay home and dwell over the past.

"I'd like a blueberry muffin, cappuccino and whatever that lovely lady making the coffees would like to drink". Sandra was taken back and suddenly stopped inputting the man's order into the system, "I'm sorry?" she suddenly needed clarification even though she was certain with what she heard. "Your friend over there" he pointed towards her as she busily finished off the latest order of lattes and rang the bell for a waitress "Adriana" Sandra suddenly called out stopping her from commencing her next order. "What's up Sandra?"

"This gentlemen would like to know what coffee you like to drink" Adriana came closer and smiled at the man innocently, "you'd like a coffee recommendation?" It's not like they made specialty coffees here so she was a bit surprised but it certainly would not be the first time she was asked an interesting question in the hospitality industry, especially working at a late night bar.

"No, I'd actually like for you to sit down and have a coffee with me"

"What?" The words came out quite rudely but she simply was not expecting his advances. This was crazy, she thought. So far in the last two years she had had little interaction with men and lately they all seemed to be pursuing her.  Was it the pill? Was she giving off some sort of 'I'm ready for sex' vibes? She was completely dumbfounded.

"I ah, I'm kind of in the middle of working" she stated the obvious as Sandra could not help but turn around to mask her chuckle from customers. She quickly stepped to the side and continued taking orders leaving the pair to discuss.

"When's your break?" He asked back with a flirty smile, "how about I come back at lunch and we have lunch close by?" Adriana was being flooded by questions, this guy seriously wanted to see her again. "I ahh, I mean I don't-"

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