~Chapter 5~

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So I'm kind of taking the #justwriteit challenge by writing 10,000 in 1 month. Although this story isn't about my mum she is a strong Sicilian woman so she'd totally appreciate this particular Mafia story haha. My leading female character Adriana Di Dio is a strong Sicilian and as we get further in her strength will shine, I promise you ;) #LeadingLady

"What the heck happened to you last night?" Claudia raised her eyebrow at her best friend Adriana in a suspicious manner. She had called her friend numerous times after noticing she had not come home the time she normally would after work. "I called you but I figured maybe you were on some booty call" she joked handing her a freshly made cappuccino.

Claudia Serafino was Adriana's long time best friend. Their families were the best of friends and even frequently enjoyed trips back to Italy together. Claudia's family would arrange accommodation in Messina, where they were from; and Adriana's parents would arrange accommodation in Palermo. When their children were younger they would frequently enjoy summer vacations in the south of Italy.

The girls went to the same schools and even coincidently attended the same colleges where Claudia had studied Teacher Education and Professional Development and Adriana, Business Administration & Management along with Interior Design. They were inseparable which is why they even agreed to move in together.

"So I found out I lost my job this morning" Adriana began as she took the cappuccino and sipped some down feeling sorry for herself. "I'm sorry what!?"

"You heard right Claudia, I am officially unemployed. I tried to stop a gunman last night, we got held up again. There was a huge misunderstanding and I was arrested. I found out this morning that the cops called my boss and apparently explained what happened and all my boss cared about was the fact I brought a gun to work. So he called me and fired me". Claudia thought her jaw was literally touching the floor at that point in time. She had so many questions she had no idea where to start. "You have a gun?" Was the first question which escaped her mouth. Her innocent best friend, whom she believed she knew very well and would never harm a fly was suddenly packing heat.

"Well it wasn't loaded Claudia. I didn't but the bullets. It was just for protection"

"Ahh, clearly you didn't think that one through because apparently you're doing it wrong Ade" Adriana could not help but laugh at her friends sarcastic comment. She finished the rest of her cappuccino and explained the full story in detail to Claudia who was now curled up on the couch absolutely enthralled with the details.

She became very intrigued when she retold the events of her knight in shining armour, Salvatore, bailing her out of lock up.

"Ok look, it's Saturday and you clearly need cheering up so this is what we're going to do. We're going shopping for new outfits and tonight we're hitting the clubs"

"Are you crazy?" Challenged Adriana quite loudly, she was not exactly in the position to suddenly blow all her money on outfits and drinks. "It's on me Ade. Plus I may have set you up tonight on a blind date... Don't be mad!"

"Mad?!" She was now really raising her voice, "why would I be mad? You're just pimping me out now behind my back Claudia!"

"Come on it's not like that! Look, I've been seeing this guy, it's really new, I think I like him it's just that the dinner dates have been getting a little awkward lately so he suggested we go out clubbing with friends. So I told him to bring a single friend and I'd bring you. Please!" She knew if she begged she would eventually get her way. It always worked and this time would be no different.

"I'm not promising you I'll have a good time alright" Claudia began to smirk with a look of victory sprawling across her face before she grabbed her friend and hugged her tightly. "Thank you!"

Domenico (Dom) Abandonato; the boss of the Abandonato family. Giacomo (Jake) Caruso; his Consigliere, which is an advisor to the boss; and Salvatore (Sal) Abandonato, the Underboss, all met together in Domenico's office.

Salvatore could see the anger in his father's eyes before the conversation even got underway. Clearly he was well informed of the situation but needed an update from his son.

"Well?" He asked curiously encouraging his son to recall the series of events. "Papà, you're angry I get it. There was nothing we could do, we were surrounded by men with guns. We are working on it though, I've got Francesco and Marco working on it as we speak" he stated referring to his two younger brothers. "What about Matteo?"

"He's busy with Angela today so let him be, we have this under control".

"The other family?" Salvatore nodded and let out a breath, "they're pretty angry, it was our card game after all".

The card game which was recklessly held up was a fairly common event the Abandonato family organised with a partner family in New Jersey. These card games were always high stake, close to a million dollars could be played on any of these nights. They were constantly changing locations in order for events such as last night to be avoided. However, this time something went seriously wrong. Everyone was angry and soon enough fingers would start being pointed which could burn many valuable bridges.

"Salvatore how could this even happen?" Giacomo asked unable to wrap his head around the enormity of the situation. "I don't know Jake, I don't see how a random person could know the location, not without an informant"

"Is that what you think?" Giacomo continued prying with the questions. "It's the only explanation I can offer. We're close with the Jersey family, I didn't think this would happen, but it has and now we're looking into it. Someone from their end had to of tipped someone". Giacomo nodded intently and looked back at his boss before speaking. "So we keep a close eye on them for the time being. Keep a watch on their families, any irrational spending needs to be reported, understand?" Salvatore nodded before rising to his feet, "understood".

"Oh and Sal", his father called to him before exiting the room. "How is Ben O'Conner?" He asked almost making himself laugh as Salvatore shook his head with a cheeky smile. "Sempre un coglione papà".

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