~Chapter 32~

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"The body of missing Junior Finance Broker, Daniel Agostino was recovered in the Passaic River yesterday near Newark."

"Oh my gosh!" Adriana gasped enthralled in the news headline quickly turning up the volume to catch any further details from her kitchen. Her eyes locked on the television screen, she vaguely noticed Salvatore get up from the couch and walk towards her.

"Police are yet to release the circumstances but foul play is suspected to certainly be on the cards."

Salvatore walked behind the counter and into the kitchen casually making his way behind Adriana wrapping arms around her. His hands travelled down her arms grabbing onto the remote pressing the red button killing the screen instantly. His lips brushed against the side of her neck while his other hand pushed her long black straightened hair aside.

"Hey!" She protested attempting to regain control of the remote control and failing miserably when he stepped back holding it hostage playfully. "I was watching that!" She let go of the knife which she was using to chop her vegetables and pouted in an attempt to make him feel bad.

"It was a stupid story" he protested now hiding the remote behind his back showing her who was boss.
There was no way he wanted her to hear this story. Not with his involvement in it. He had already lied to her far more than he wanted the last few weeks.
Daniel Agostino's picture had been in the papers and plastered all over the television screens throughout the city, Adriana had spoken about it on multiple occasions. Daniel had been classed as a missing person up until today, the papers tomorrow would surely begin to report on his murder.

Adriana scrunched up her face disapprovingly placing her hands on her hips. "That was about the broker" she stated attempting to refresh his memory. "The guy who went missing from the city and never came back. How could this happen? I mean the news never reported anything about a ransom. They didn't even give the family a chance to buy back his life. Who does that? It was clearly cold blooded murder!" She turned from Salvatore to her laptop on the kitchen bench top and powered up google instantly searching for the latest headlines only to find the screen slowly closing onto her fingers. "Salvo!" She shrieked spinning around to face him once again.

"Stop trying to freak yourself out with this shĩt" he quickly stated wanting to put an end to the discussion. Talking about Daniel Agostino was definitely not on his list of things to do with Adriana tonight. Not even close! 

"I want us to have a nice night together" he revealed, "not searching for stories about that broker"

"Aren't you at all interested? I mean he worked pretty close by. There's a random murderer out there in the city, doesn't the thought of that worry you?"

"Adriana" Salvatore rolled his eyes, "this is exactly what I'm talking about! You're going to freak yourself out over nothing."

"It's hardly nothing" she responded before turning back to her chopping board and recommencing slicing the vegetables. "Someone killed him for no reason"

"There's always a reason" he challenged back suddenly regretting his quick reply. Shut the fũck up Salvo. Quickly he made his way out of the kitchen and back to the other side of the counter where he made himself comfortable on the stool.

Adriana raised an eyebrow expertly chopping while at the same time staring at him. "That's a terrible thing to say," she grabbed another vegetable still keeping her eyes on him. "I'm sure if he did do something he didn't deserve to die over it."

"Maybe not Ade, but let's quit pretending he's innocent in all this. I'm sure this was no random attack on the kid." He reached for the chopping board stealing a piece of carrot and plopping it into his mouth greedily laughing when Adriana protested. "Now enough about that guy and make me something amazing to eat. I'm hungry!"

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