Thank you & Book Two

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Hi there readers =) So you've stuck it through and made it to the end of Book One.

You know what happens now right? Book TWO of course!!!
Please head on over to my profile (if you haven't already), and add Book Two to your reading lists:

Whispers in New York - Book Two

Money, sex, drugs and illegitimate businesses and of course the never ending love story of Salvatore & Adriana... You don't want to miss this one, trust me!

So... Firstly I'd like to thank you all for being such a wonder bunch of book worms and gracing me with your time. Time is very precious, so knowing that you all took the time from your lives to read MY story... Well it just overwhelms me, I am so very grateful to you all.

I'd like to throw out a special thank you to those who encouraged me to move onto Book Two when I was a little down in the dumps and thinking Whispers in New York wasn't good enough. I really do appreciate it, like you wouldn't believe.

Writing is my secret pleasure. Nobody who knows me knows that I do it, absolutely nobody! I am very self conscious about sharing my work and actually telling people I write has never come easy for me. To the point where I actually hide it from EVERYONE!
Wattpad, combined with all you amazing readers has been exactly what I've needed. I started off as a silent reader unwilling to share my secretive work. One day I thought what the hell, maybe I'll just give it a go, not like anyone on here knows me right?
So here I am, uploading a completed book, my first work to actually be released into the unknown world of Wattpad!

I know this book is like a grain of sand on the bottom of the ocean floor compared to, well everything else up here! I am proud I've stuck it out though and finally shared something with you guys.

I'd like to especially thank those who commented and voted as I was still feeling strange about exposing my work until people began getting vocal and hitting that star. It honestly made a difference to me knowing that you guys wanted to read what I had to offer.

I encourage everyone to vote and comment on all stories you enjoy. You just never know what it might mean to the author.

Now enough with this sappy business and let's move onto Book Two... Whispers in New York!


Silence in New York - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now