~Chapter 10~

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Why hello there silent readers! I think I'm spoiling you all too much with my frequent updates ;)

I would love some feedback for my first novel so leave me some comments. I'm interested to hear your theories on where this is going - maybe even which characters so far you would like to hear more about etc. I have the story all plotted out on paper already - but nothing is set in stone with me so I'm open to reader interaction xXx

P.S - Adriana's casual wear in the media section above!

"Who the hell are you?!" Claudia jumped back towards the door after entering her apartment frantically and realising there was a man on her couch talking on his cell phone.

She had tried to rush back as soon as she could after receiving a strange text from Adriana about having to rush home after her drink was spiked.

Before even waiting for his reply she bolted into the kitchen grabbing a knife from the chopping block holding it in front of her. Maybe this was the man that drugged her?

"I'll call you back" Salvatore stated keeping his eyes directly on her before ending the conversation. "You must be Claudia" he stood to his feet eying her up and down, she could not seriously think he would let her stab him with a knife. "What did you do to her?!" She accused outraged. He held his hands up in defence trying to calm her down. "I'm the one who brought her home-"

"To fũck her?" She interrupted now angrier than before. He shook his head, "Claudia, why would I still be here if I did that? I'm Salvatore, I saw what happened and I gave her a ride home. She's in bed asleep, she's fine she'll be a bit groggy in the morning but other than that she's ok".

"You're Salvatore?" Claudia began to relax as she lowered the knife keeping her eyes on him feeling a little more reassured now. "Adriana told you about me?" She nodded and noticed a small arrogant smirk beginning to appear across his face. "She said you bailed her out a few nights ago" he nodded before taking his phone out again, "I'm just going to call for a ride ok?" He told her making sure she was still calm. He quickly called Luca and told him he would wait for him at the front of the apartment. He hung up and noticed Claudia had put the knife back and walked over to him. "Look I'm sorry" she quickly apologised; "you just scared me that's all" he nodded. "Well that was a completely normal reaction to be honest. I'd be worried if you welcomed me with open arms at this hour" she laughed and started to notice exactly what Adriana was talking about. He was definitely good looking and gave off a very powerful persona. "Will you be here tomorrow morning?" Salvatore enquired before making his way to the door, she shook her head "I have to go to work"

"I don't have much on so I'll come back to check on her"

"Err maybe you could just call her" Claudia suggested, he was a little intense and had no idea if Adriana would want him around after tonight. "I'm not asking Claudia" he replied while opening the front door. "I'll get here as soon as I can".

"Is he back home yet?" Luca shook his head when Salvatore joined him in the front seat. "Nope, I've been waiting outside his apartment, he must have continued his night elsewhere" he replied referring to the low life who spiked Adriana's drink and started this entire situation. "We'll pay him a visit first thing in the morning then, not really convenient but either way he's going to get his face punched in".

Adriana awoke still fully clothed from the night before. Slowly she opened her eyes the next morning and groaned painfully feeling the throbbing in her head. She glanced over at her bedside table and noticed a note from Claudia stating she had to leave for work but did not want to disturb her. She had also left her a tall glass of fresh orange juice. Adriana smiled and gulped the citrusy beverage down suddenly realising her thirst. Her eyes glanced down to the P.S on the note stating that Salvatore was coming back to see her. "Fuck" she stated out loud and quickly rose to her feet running into the bathroom to shower. There was no way he was going to see her like this.

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