~Chapter 46~

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This chapter contains very mature themes. This is your warning! Do not read on if you are sensitive to mature subjects... You have been warned...

Adriana sat on the bathroom counter in shock. Salvatore had placed her there himself after he had carried her through his home. She trembled in his arms the entire way unable to even form a sentence together. There was so much she wanted to say, so many questions she wanted to ask, but no words would come out. The speeding car ride back consisted of Salvatore cursing while making calls as she sat silently.

She watched him as he hastily opened up various bathroom cupboards looking for the first aid kit. She heard him mumble under his breath annoyed each time he opened a door not containing what he was searching for.
Finally when he did find it he dragged it out throwing it up onto the counter unzipping and reaching for the antiseptic.

She watched him tentatively soak a cotton ball, he finally looked up at her, "this is going to sting a little" he stated before dabbing it lightly on her grazed elbow. She felt absolutely nothing, she hadn't even realised her elbow was cut and frankly she didn't care. He was the one who had been grazed by a bullet. Isn't he even hurting right now? She thought curiously letting her hands travel under his suit jacket to push it off his shoulders and onto the bathroom floor.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused by her actions.
She instantly saw the blood seeping through his white shirt.
"Oh my gosh" she stated hastily ripping his shirt open not giving a damn about the buttons, it wasn't like he was going to reuse the bloody shirt; it had been clearly torn from the bullet.
His shirt followed his jacket on the floor beneath them. "You're bleeding!" She exclaimed mortified at the realisation of what was happening. He was attending to a stupid graze on her elbow while he was quite seriously bleeding. She knew he had only been grazed but she hadn't expected to see that amount of blood from it.

"Calm down" he stated trying to hush her and diminish her concerns, "it's just a graze, those idiots had bad aim"

"Let me help you" she quickly grabbed some supplies from the first aid kit next to her and began gently cleaning his wound.
He barely even flinched when the antiseptic hit his skin, he had endured much more than this during his gun fights. A graze was the least of his worries! Slowly but surely, she had cleaned the wound completely. She took a bit of gauze and lightly wrapped it around his arm. "There" she stated once she finished. He smiled at her, he didn't need her to tend to the minor wound but it was comforting to know she cared. It was nice having someone else clean up his battle scars for once.

She was quiet and lost in complete thought. I nearly lost him. She thought to herself, her heart was slowly breaking within her. How could I be so selfish all this time? All these stupid fights, I could've lost him today. She sighed loudly completely annoyed at herself. What if those men had perfect aim? What if he died in front of her?
"I nearly lost you" she finally spoke, her eyes trailing from his chest up to meet his eyes.

He placed both his hands on the counter on either side of her trapping her between his arms. He shook his head lightly before pressing his forehead to her. "No you didn't Adriana. You were nowhere near losing me. That was nothing, just a little friendly fire," he stated trying to make light of the very serious situation. The reality was he could have gotten her killed today. They were totally ambushed, he was not ready for them and he knew he was lucky.

"Salvo!" She squealed, "That's not true and you know it! You were just lucky that bullet didn't connect with you properly. I could have lost you! I could have lost you and if I did you wouldn't even know how much you really mean to me" her words came out almost in a sob.

He lifted his right hand and lightly brushed her face removing the strands of hair from her eyes and tucked them behind her left ear. "Shhh" he hushed her gently before claiming her lips with his. He kissed her lightly and gently, like it was almost a figment of her imagination.
When he tried to end the kiss Adriana would not allow it. No she thought to herself grabbing his face in both her hands, don't stop. Her lips frantically working over his, her tongue suddenly becoming more and more urgent while her legs hooked themselves behind his knees drawing him back into her. She wasn't ready for this moment to end. Not this time.

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