~Chapter 12~

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Hi there! Could not help myself really wanted to update for you guys :)

Keep on reading & leave me some comments at your favourite parts - I'm here to please and would love some indication on who you would like to learn more about xXx

The next morning Adriana received a call from Ben O'Conner. They had finally completed the appropriate checks at the police station and released her hand gun.

She walked into the building instantly ready for a fight. When she arrived at the desk however, Officer O'Conner was very pleasant. "Miss Di Dio" he announced with a smile making her very suspicious. "Lovely to see you again" Adriana rolled her eyes, "you can't be serious right?" He laughed while grabbing the gun and release papers and placing everything on the desk in front of him. "Oh come on Adriana. No hard feelings right?"

"Err, you unlawfully arrested me, took my gun and let your colleague feel me up. I'd say we're not on good terms Officer O'Conner" she focused her attention on the paper work signing in the appropriate places before looking back up at him. "I'm curious, what did the witnesses at the bar have to say?"

"Clearly you know they backed you up" he replied back stating the obvious. He knew she was asking out of complete spite. "I assume you didn't actually catch the gunman either?"

"Not yet, but we have some leads miss"

"Sure you do" she rolled her eyes and picked up her gun. "Oh and thanks for getting me fired by the way. Really nice touch" Ben shrugged not feeling guilty at all. "Nothing to do with us sweet heart. Your boss had a right to hear the facts and unfortunately he did not condone guns in this workplace so that was your mistake I'm afraid"

"Just goes to show. Don't bother being a good Samaritan in this city. Gets you absolutely nowhere!"

"Speaking of good Samaritans Miss. Di Dio - did Salvatore Abandonato give you that?" He asked pointing to the hickey she had tried to cover up miserably with liquid foundation. She gave him the finger without responding and walked out of the station.

Angela Abandonato shook her husband once again trying to wake him. He wriggled around annoyed and let out a groan of disapproval. "Matt please get up!" She shook him again before hearing him swear and sit up. "What the fũck Angela?" She jumped back a little frightened of his mood. "I-I've called you a few times, my brothers called earlier saying they were on their way and now they're here. You have to get up".

In the last few months it was rare that Matteo ever woke up in a good mood. He was drinking a lot more lately much to his wife's disappointment. He was frustrated that she had yet to give them a child. At first things were fine and the couple were happy just trying. However it was now a different story. fũcking his wife was becoming a chore in his eyes, she had become obsessed with scheduling in intimate moments to conceive at the correct time. So far her plans just seemed pointless.

When Matteo finally made his way downstairs the brothers were enjoying breakfast with their sister. She was smiling and feeding them contently acting like she did not have a care in the world. She had become a pro at faking it.

Matteo greeted the brothers before sitting at the breakfast counter with them as his wife filled his plate with food and handed him a coffee. "We've got business to discuss" he discretely instructed after she was done. Angela nodded and headed back upstairs to attend to a few things.

"So it's tonight then?" Matteo asked as soon as they were alone. Francesco nodded, "I'm sending Stefano with some of two of the street crew". Stefano was another soldier who worked closely with Francesco specifically. They had decided it was best to send someone with experience to lead the unexperienced members to victory. "We're sure this guy was involved?"

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