~Chapter 17~

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Ok so I totally couldn't contain myself. This is by far one of my favourite chapters so I just HAD to post it for you guys earlier than planned ;-)

Sweetheart I sucked his cock just last night. Those were the words embedded into Adriana's mind. The words no woman wanted to hear about anyone they were developing a connection for.

Adriana initially did not believe Elena's 'girlfriend' claim and she challenged her the moment she said it. Never in her wildest dreams did she anticipate her reply. Sweetheart I sucked his cock just last night... There they were again, those words repeating in her mind.

Barging out of the bathroom Adriana had one goal, get the hell out of Marquee and back home, there was no way she was falling apart here in front of everyone. Especially in front of Elena.

Keeping her eyes to the floor, Adriana managed to quickly find Claudia who was still in a deep and animated conversation with Francesco. She conspicuously interrupted them and quickly explained to Claudia that she was not feeling great and was heading back home. When Claudia offered to leave with her Adriana managed a smiled and whispered in her ear, "no way miss, stay with Francesco" she gave her a wink and disappeared down the stairs and into the night. She did not want to ruin Claudia's night and her chances with Francesco.

Her phone would not stop vibrating during the cab ride home. The buzzing was becoming almost constant. Call after call after call from Salvatore, he was practically blowing up her cell phone. Even the cab driver looked at her suspiciously as she rejected each and every one of his calls.

By the time she reached her apartment the messages started coming in:


Where are you?


Pick up your phone


I'm getting impatient


Adriana don't test me



"Hey baby" Elena flicked her long blonde hair back smugly with a slight smirk on her face. She knew he was texting her wondering what was going on and frankly she did not care. She handed him a fresh glass of whiskey and smiled when their hands touched. "Everything alright?" Salvatore looked up at her instantly recognizing the insincerity in her voice, the smug look she had her on face confirmed exactly what he needed to know.

"What the fũck did you do?"

"Sorry baby?"

"Don't play with me Elena" he walked towards her in an intimidating matter which did nothing but excite her. She smiled and placed her right hand on his left shoulder and let her hand run down his suit jacket. He looked impeccable tonight. "Baby, I didn't do anything you wouldn't do for me". Salvatore just about lost his shĩt. He pushed her hand away before banging his right fist up against the wall behind her forcing back the urge to really let her have it.

"You fũcking stupid-"

"Oh please Salvo" she cut him off instantly, "go on run off to her, you'll be back at my place just like you were last night"


When Adriana's cell phone began to ring again for what felt like the 100th time she answered it angrily. He was not going to stop hassling her otherwise and she very well knew it.

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