~Chapter 45~

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Salvatore glanced at his vibrating cell phone sitting on the table beside him as he casually took apart and cleaned one of his guns. It was the fifth day and Adriana was still calling his cell. He had heard her out multiple times, sat on his couch fiddling with any objects around him as he listened to all her different kinds of apologies.
He reached for the cell pressing the side button killing the sound and screen. He had no voice mail on his cell, voice mails were dangerous.
Truth be told, he had already forgiven her days ago, even though he continued to tell her he just needed some time alone to think things over. It was becoming obvious to him that she had feelings for him, feelings that were brewing into something more. There was no other reason for her to be apologising so profusely.
Even though he was fairly certain they had experienced more downs than ups he believed they wouldn't be fighting if she didn't feel something.

Unfortunately, forgiving Luca did not come that easy. He was furious at him even though she had explained to him multiple times that it was all her doing. For some reason though, he could not imagine Luca resisting her. Pushing her away. Telling her no. So he had banished him from his sight for the time being, making him work with the associates on the streets.

His cell rang again distracting him from the task at hand, he sighed frustrated before noticing it was his mother.

"Salvatore!" He heard her wailing voice before even connecting his cell to his ear. Placing the gun and cleaning supplies down.

"Ma lo sapevi che tua sorella è incinta?" (Did you know your sister is pregnant?)

Here we go...

"Si mamma," he shifted in his chair getting up to move out of his office and through his home towards the kitchen.

"So I'm the last to find out then?" He already knew the kind of expression she was pulling over the phone without even seeing her. She would be sitting at her kitchen counter, or perhaps on her couch in front of the television. Eyebrows high up on her forehead, waiting for him to say something wrong.

"No mamma, you're not. She hadn't told anyone, obviously not until now. She was scared you know, se succedeva qualcosa." (If something were to happened)

"So why did she tell you?"

He sighed loudly through the receiver, opening the refrigerator to retrieve himself a drink. "I was at her house ma, waiting for Matteo. She was in the kitchen making me coffee and she just started hurling," he took a short breath then pressed the bottle to his lips taking a sip of the cool water. "It was disgusting," he shook his head remembering back to the said moment.


"So when she didn't stop I panicked!" He continued, "I followed her to the bathroom and she was on the floor with her head in the damn toilet. I tried to pull her up and get her to the hospital but she wouldn't have any of it. Kept insisting she was fine." He cradled the cell phone between his shoulder and ear while screwing the bottle cap back on tightly. "Matteo came down, he insisted everything was ok. I may have called Matteo a shĩtty husband."

"A shĩtty husband?"

"Ok, maybe something worse," he admitted quite quickly back. "Anyways, I tried to drag her out of the house with me and finally she spat it out. She had no choice; I would have taken her to see someone."

"Va bene," (OK) Giuseppa replied "but I'm still very angry you didn't tell me!"

"Ok ma. Anything else?"

"It would be nice if you visited once and a while, don't you think?"

He let out a final frustrated sight pressing his free hand onto the fridge closing his eyes in frustration. "I'll come for lunch tomorrow ok?"

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