~Chapter 35~

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Adriana sat on the floor inside her walk in wardrobe with her cell by her side. She was staring at the medium sized box torn with Claudia's words repeating in her mind. Show him you trust him, even just a little. Or you end it. She pulled the box closer to her stripping it of its lid and stared at the loaded beretta Salvatore had generously given her. He won't change. Claudia's words continued to repeat themselves making her more and more anxious.
She pressed a button on her cell for what seemed like the thousandth time awakening the screen. No new messages or missed calls. She sighed pressing the side button killing the screen once again.
"Fũck you" she murmured a little angrier than anticipated referring to the cell phone. How dare it not provide her with any hope of Salvatore thinking about her.

She picked up the box leaving the lid behind then reached for her cell sliding it into her back jeans pocket. "Fũck you cell, fũck you Salvo, fũck you beretta" the incoherent words barely making any rational sense. She stood to her feet making her way to the main room throwing the box onto the kitchen counter. 

"Who the fũck gives people guns anyways?" She asked with her palms on the kitchen counter propping herself up to peer back into the box. "I'm talking to a fũcking beretta" she continued speaking out loud laughing at herself, I've finally lost my fũcking mind.

Once more she retrieved her cell from her back pocket checking the screen for the last time. She was fully aware the cell was not set to silent but she couldn't help taking one more peek, just in case.
"That's it" she announced, again to nobody. Adriana threw her phone onto the counter marching away from it and into the kitchen to retrieve a box of assorted chocolates then made her way to sit on the couch. Claudia is right, just end it. She thought to herself unwrapping one of the chocolates and plopping it into her mouth scrunching her nose up when she realised whatever she had chosen tasted awful.

"What the fũck" she swallowed the chocolate completely mortified that someone would make such an awful filling and try to sugar coat it with the likes of chocolate. "I can't even get chocolate right!" Now she was yelling, her frustration reaching a peak for the night.

No phone calls... No messages... No suitable chocolate.

Her thoughts torn from her with the sound of knocking at the front door. "Just a minute!" She called out throwing the wrapper back into the box with a mental note to never eat any of the ones with orange wrapping. She placed the box on the coffee table in front of her and made her way to the peep hole surprised to find Mike on the other side of it.

"Hey" Mike smiled at her once the door opened with a brief case in hand. "Can I come in?" He queried glancing by her looking into her apartment making sure no armed gunmen were waiting for him.

"Of course," Adriana stepped aside as he brushed by her to enter. "Where are you even going at this hour?" She asked pointing to his briefcase, "it's almost one am."

"Emergency at the office," he replied. "I noticed lights from your apartment so thought I'd try my luck and see if you were up" he placed his brief case on the kitchen counter while Adriana proceeded to clear up the bits and pieces from the coffee table.

"Would you like a drink?" She called out without turning to face him. She heard him rustling around behind her.

"Ah what's with the box?" Mike asked looking in to find a beretta out in plain view for everyone to see.

Adriana turned around almost immediately. "Oh ah. It's nothing, just a silly gift from someone. I'm giving it back." She walked through the kitchen with the box of chocolates in hand offering them to Mike as she walked by him. He politely refused so she went ahead and placed them back in the cupboard.

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